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So I understand that this was in the past but it still upsets me to this day. I don't appreciate the nickname that the tabloid press gave Michael.
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Yes he has done a lot of weird things. 'WHO HASN'T?' Everyone is weird in their own way. Yes he dangled his son over a hotel balcony but he was showing his fans. It was wrong sort of but at least he had a grip on him. Nothing happened to the kid. It makes me so angry that the tabloid press gave Michael 'WACKO JACKO' as a nickname. You don't just walk around and give people stupid nicknames like that. That's just plain stupid.
If you type that in Google guess who pops up 'MICHAEL JACKSON! I mean really? They had to be so low that when you type 'WACKO JACKO' MICHAEL JACKSON pops up. That is just so wrong. If I could I would take back everything wrong the tabloid press said about Michael and let it go from there.

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