Chapter 18The rode so far

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While Elena and I we're driving I put the radio on and it started to play sister christen by the night Rangers then we start to sing to it Dean starts.
D)sister christen
oh, the time has come
And you know that you're the only one
E)To say, okay
Where you going
What you looking for
D)you know those boys
Don't want to play no more with you
It's true
E/D)You're motoring
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
D)Babe, you know
You're growing up so fast
And mama's worrying
That you won't last
To say, let's play
E)Sister christen
There's so much in life
Don't you give it up
Before your time is due
It's true
D)It's true,YEAH
What's your price for flight
You've got him in your sight
And driving through the night
E) Motoring
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
E/D) Motoring
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
E)Sister Christian
Oh, the time has come
And you know that you're the only one
To say, okay
D)But you're motoring
E/D)Yeah motoring. Then the both of them get a text message it's from Sammy and Jessica
Hey guys enough with the singing but hey don't get me wrong you both are amazing but we need to stay quiet for now thanks
Love Sammy and Jess.

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