the vision

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"Dean no please no don't she doesn't have demons in her NO RUBY!!!!!!" I cried over my baby girls lifeless body. Then I sat up in bed so worried so I rushed to Ruby who is sound asleep. "Dean come here please" I called quietly not to wake up Ruby.
"Yeah Sammy" Dean whispered. "I had this most craziest vision and it felt so vivid" I said. "What was about" Dean was worried. "Okay for starters you thought that my baby was possessed by a yellow eyed demon and kept telling you and telling you that she wasn't and then you gave up leasing to me and you shot Ruby and then I woke up just after I saw my baby's body go lifeless"I was shaking right when I got to the lifeless body part my sister in-law and Jessica walked into the room and they looked confused so I told myself that she didn't hear a thing and the vision cannot be real it just felt so real though.

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