A new addition

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On Thursday,January 24,2002
A new addition was added into the Winchesters household our bundle of joy Anna singer Winchester and Jude rose Winchester with proud parents,grandparents and aunt and uncle.
Dear Diary
It's been years since I wrote in this and I thought it was a good time to write to you today I gave birth to beautiful healthy twin girls their names are Anna and Jude Winchester we named Jude after our favourite song Hey Jude by the Beetles and Dean named Anna after the angel named Anna who the boys met on one of their hunts and when Castile took them back in time to stop Sammy from being born so Mary didn't have to die and so she could live a long life but it was to late but she is back now so the family is back as one in the first time in forever she really feels safe to be back in the house because Dean, Sam, John and even me could kill the demon azazel once and for all but I'm not strong enough to I don't have experience yet.
"Hey Bebe how do you feel? Dean came into the room with two cups of coffee. "Sore but I'll be fine so when do you think Azazel will make his next move? I asked. "Not sure but we will make a demon trap so when he gets stuck an alarm will go off it will be loud though so prepared" He frowned.

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