I feel into fantasy

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Another one in Davey's point of view. Enjoy it. These are probably going to be the most heart-felt scenes in the whole story, so yeah...have fun.

Nearly a week went by before Adam finally got me to leave Jade's side. He forced me to take a shower in the bathroom that was in Jade's room, and to change the clothes that I had been wearing. Giving up my tight pleather pants for simple black ones and my black tank-top for a black short-sleeved one, I brushed out my hair and then combed it. I wiped the rest of my make-up off before I returned to sitting by Jade's bed, taking his hand into mine again. The television was on, and they were showing some news program. I swallowed hard, feeling just a bit tired and more then hungry for something other then hospital food that they had provided to me. Seems they catered to vegans as well.

"Hey Dave. I brought you some food."

Adam came in carrying a little take-out bag. Obviously it was something vegan or dear Adam wouldn't have bothered with the ordering and delivering thing. Reaching out, I took the bag from him and then settled back into my chair, letting go of Jade's hand just so I could peer at the food inside.

Vegan meatballs with spaghetti was my main course, and a little bit of vegan chocolate cake just for dessert. I laughed a bit and then looked up to Adam, scowling a little before going back to being tired and almost empty. The smile that was on his face fell and he kneeled down, patting my knee affectionately before he spoke to me.

"It's going to be alright. The doctors just said that his body is repairing the damage to his body. Because he's on overdrive, he's going to be sleeping a lot. That's all it is...one of his long naps turned longer."

I smiled and then nodded, feeling my eyes start to burn again. The guilt and shame of being the one to cause this to Jade is what made me seem hurt in so many different ways. Being responsible for something like that was not what I had planned for my future. I had thought that things were going well...and it appeared to me that I was wrong for once.

"I'm sorry Adam...for everything."

"Hey, no...it's not your fault. He made the decision in the end. You didn't do anything to cause this."

"Yes I did." Sobs wracked my form and I felt Adam remove the food tray from my lap. He stood up and then drew me up to my feet, hugging me close to him as I started to cry. He knew how to comfort and just when to.

"No...you didn't. Jade loves you...and I know that you love him. When he wakes up, everything's going to go back to normal. We're going to go back to being a band again...we're going to perform in shows and you two are going to flirt onstage."

"No...he won't...wake up. Adam...he would have woken up by now..."

"You don't know th-"

"Yes, I do!" Tearing away from Adam, I stood there, shaking and breathing fairly hard. Did my friend just not understand the situation at hand? Was he not aware that Jade could never wake up and be stuck in a coma? How was I going to explain to his parents that I had caused their son to try and kill himself...in turn making him lose all brain function except for basic? I didn't want to do that...and I knew that Hunter was going to be angry with me for as long as I was around just because of this. Already he hated me...and he was supposed to be my friend.

Turning away from Adam, I covered my eyes and let myself cry a little more, be it silently this time. Swallowing hard, I moved towards the bed and then climbed onto it again, cuddling up with Jade. Adam sighed and turned away, knowing that I wanted some time alone if I was getting like this. He had tried to comfort me...and I had turned him down. There was nothing he could do about that.

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