So spoke misery

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Chapter seven baby. Special point of view in this chapter. I loved writing this chapter, Anyways, have fun reading it. I enjoyed writing it.

Two months had gone by and we were on our way back to California. It was a unanimous decision for us to return to our homes for a couple of weeks just to kick back and relax from what had happened recently. Jade had recovered fairly well, and Davey seemed to be doing just as well. I was alright, and Hunter was alright, if that's any consolation. Smith thought the little vacation would do us all some good. We had just crossed the Arizona border after hanging out in Phoenix for a while. We had done a show there, and amazingly Jade could still play to the best of his ability. It was something that meant so much to Davey and the rest of the band. The recovery was remarkable and it didn't surprise us really. Jade was a strong person and we knew that he'd get over whatever had caused him to freak out the way that he had.

Now that we were almost all completely a band again, we had taken some time away from our little hobbies, mostly Hunter's side project, Hunter's Revenge, and Davey and Jade's project, Blaqk Audio. I had none because I was content in knowing that AFI was never going to fail me. Bringing my hands up to my face, I rubbed at it a little whilst laying in my bunk. Giving a bit of a growl, I found myself wanting to get up and speak to someone...anyone. Hunter was there, but he usually never had anything to say.

And at the moment I was going to assume that Davey and Jade were somewhere together. Dave had been hanging out with Jade more and more often. That didn't surprise me much...but it was the fact that all the time spent with Jade was less spent with me...and that had brought out jealousy inside of me. Where it stemmed from, I had no idea. All I did know was that I felt the need to protect him, to take him away from the guitarist and keep him to myself. You would think it was obvious that I had a thing for him...but it wasn't that obvious. I was, as a matter of fact, better at hiding emotions then anyone else in the band. Which was why I had gone so long without telling Davey my real feelings, hiding them inside of myself and trying to drown the feeling of hopelessness that had started to consume me since he had mentioned to me his feelings for Jade. That night could still play vividly in my mind, and I often thought back to it to see where I went wrong.

"Addy...can I talk to you?"

I sat down the book that I had been reading. The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. Normally I wouldn't have picked up a book, but it had seemed interesting in the book store back in Houston, Texas. So naturally I bought it and already I was halfway done. But I always had time for Davey, and that's why I managed to put the damn thing down to worry over what was going on with my friend.

"Sure Dave. You know you can always talk to me. That's what friends are for, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

I saw he was wringing his hands and I offered a smile, motioning him over to me and seeing that he came, still acting a little nervous as he sat down. Leaning against me, I felt his heart racing in his chest. One of his arms was around my neck and he was suddenly in my lap, cuddling up close to me like a child to its mother. I supposed that was kind of what I was to the band, the mother. There were parts of me that loved the band to death; and others that wanted to just spank them until they would cry and try to find Smith. Smith protected everyone...just like I did.

"What's up Dave? You look...I don't know...upset."

"That's kind of because I am."


I cocked my head to the side curiously, listening to what he had just said. Alright...there was that little notion of being the advisor of the band. What the fuck ever. It was in me to be something like that. Clearing his throat, I felt him shift and he looked up at me, his black eyes all doe-like and innocent. Despite seeming like the kind of person that would just as soon whore themselves than fall in love, I knew that Davey was head over heels for someone. Mostly because I was feeling the same for him.

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