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Mmmm...my favorite chapter, personally. Still in Adam's point of view. Lovely Adam. (pets him) also this title is not a lyric so I'll add a random song by afi :3mention a usermention a user


[Spoliation - (noun): The act of stripping and taking by force.]

For the last few weeks there was nothing but jealousy and anger within my heart. I had seen them together so very often that it was sickening to my stomach. Watching them as they flirted on the stage, as Davey got close to Jade and all but gave him the foreplay they needed to fuck afterwards. One time I had heard them through the door of the dressing room. They were supposed to have been cleaning up their shit and going out to the bus. Instead they were screwing each other without inhibition, thinking it best to get it all out of their system no matter who saw them. That's why I was angry...and that's why I was going to get my revenge.

Yes. I, Adam Carson, was going to get revenge on someone. Didn't matter where...didn't matter how...I was going to have my revenge for losing the one thing that meant more to me then anything else. Since I couldn't have Davey, no one could.

What made me think about this was the fact that I was laying in my lonely apartment, resting on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. They were probably fucking right then, giving all the intimacy they could to each other because they were 'in love'. I wiped at my nose a little bit, feeling that I was going to start crying if I didn't get Davey off of my mind. But how could I when all I ever wanted to think about was him? He was my sun and my moon...my winter and my summer. How was I to survive without the very thing that I needed to breathe?

The plan had formulated slowly...it had been nursed from a little thought into a bloomed version of its former self, weaved and formed into the perfect idea. And I was going to act on it.

Davey and Jade were at Jade's apartment...but it was only about eight in the morning. And that meant only one thing to me. I was going to have my opportunity to do what I was meaning to. I had waited days for Davey to call...but he hadn't. No...it felt like he didn't care for me at all. I was his best friend, or so he said, and yet here I was, laying in my room and staring up at the blank ceiling, waiting for a phone call that would never come.

Licking my lips, I gathered up the keys to my car and my phone, turning it on vibrate and shoving it into the pocket of my jeans. After putting on my jacket, I took a look back at my apartment before closing the door and locking it. There was a pack of smokes in my car, and I was going to have one on the way. I smiled to myself, knowing that I was going to finally get back at the one person that made my life miserable.

Since it was early for Jade or Davey to be up, most likely having spent the entire night fucking, I got there without a hitch. Glad that all of the band members exchanged keys to each other's houses a long time ago, I made the trek up to Jade's apartment and then stood just outside the door, the last of the cigarette being sucked down into my lungs. After snuffing it out with the heel of my shoe, I unlocked the door and opened it quietly, slipping inside and locking it again. I looked around for a moment, familiarizing myself with everything that surrounded me, taking in the fact of where the couch was and everything else that was inside of the place.

I went to the bedroom, knowing it was the only door that would ever remain closed. Jade's bathroom must have been inside of his room since there wasn't one anywhere to be found. Trying the handle lightly, I opened up the thing and moved inside. First thing I did was remove my belt, looping it once before taking a bandanna out of my back pocket. A little preparation never hurt anyone. Out of nervousness I kept licking my lips, seeing that I was starting to chicken out. I couldn't do that...it wasn't humanly possible for me to do that now. There was something that I wanted and the laws of the wild said 'Only the strong survive'. I was going to be the strong one in this situation.

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