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Okay basically I've just rewritten my other book bc honestly I feel like I've done a shitty job. And that it was dragging on and on when I actually have ideas of what could happen in the story. I also feel that since I'm older my writing has improved- 3 months older but pshh whatever- even though it's really shitty so yeah idea when IMA post this but yeah I'm just gonna start after 1D,5SOS, Her mother and other people disappeared- I'll just wrote the chapter now. It's 5:24am and YEAHHH I'm jet lagged af bc I travelled from Africa to America so yeah I'm wide awake. And can I say that this story would be in 2012- 2013.
I'll be posting A.N to give you a little background in the story by the time I post this, I'd have posted other chapters (hopefully) anyway that's all


~Natalie ❤️❤️


I sighed as I flicked through another magazine- something I seemed to be doing a lot often throughout these past 3 months. It was depressing. I've spent the last few months pretending that I'm alright. That Everything's going to be okay. But I realized I was just telling myself another to help me get through another day.

No one really understands the pain I'm going through.

Hell I don't understand the pain I'm going through.

But I have to put on a brave front. Not just for me but for my family too. I have a little sister that's depending on me because I am literally one of the only family she has right now. Of course she just had to get left behind to be in this sick excuse of a game. She's only six but that dosent seem to matter one bit.

And of course I just had to have my baby cousin left here as well. New born baby. Isn't my luck wonderful.

We've been separated by some physcos who think it'll be entertains to watch us squirm and scream in fright as our families and dear dear friends watch in some live TV or something I don't even know.

So now I'm stuck here.

Just a pawn in this twisted game.

All I can do is wait.

Till its Game Over.


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