Chapter 3

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Mali was no where to be seen when I woke up,so I decided to go out and have breakfast from Dunkin Donuts. Saying the place was full would be an understatement. It was packed, there was literally only one available table but it was for 2.

I sipped on my hot chocolate while I made up my mind.

I didn't mind so I sat there anyway. I dropped my bag on the chair. I proceeded to go on my phone. I must have been pretty absorbed with my phone, because I didn't notice the person until he cleared his throat. I glanced up in shock to see a boy and standing in front of me.

"Is this seat taken?"

I silently shook my head, and decided to move my bag onto the floor. He flashed me a toothy grin.


I smiled back in response,showing him it was nothing. He paused,and stared at me for a long time. A look of recognition flashed on his face.

"You're Ariana Grande?" I didn't get the chance to respond. "My little sister loves you!! She pratically looks up to you.You're so beautiful and so talented-" He stopped and blushed when he realized what he just said. It wasn't a big deal though, a lot of fans call me talented. But hearing someone call me beautiful was flattering.

I cleared my throat and tucked a strand of hair and gave him a small smile.

He looked familiar...I just can't seem to place my finger on it. I gasped at my realization.

"I know you!!You are a actor right? Like,I've seen you in that movie....Um..The list!!That movie was amazing. You are a really good actor." I used to watch that movie all the time with Niall and Emily. Luke would be too scared. He never was a horror movie fan. Still isn't.Therefore while we were watching it, he'd be cuddled into one of us. Mostly me. Even though I admittedly don't like cuddling, I have to say. Luke is a soft spot of mine. Even as kids. He's like a Penguin. Cute,cuddly and small. Well at least back then he was small. Looking at him now, the one word hat comes to my mind is 'How?'.

He gave me a half smile. "Thanks. So tell me what is a celebrity like you doing here?'

With that we basically started telling each other about ourselves. Not huge secrets. But tiny stuff that you wouldn't think matters. But the time we both had our donuts and coffees. We were swapping funny stories that happened to us. We were acting like we were long lost,best friends. My phone started playing 'Teenagers by MCR', signally get that Mali was calling me.

I quickly excused myself from the table.

"What?" I hissed into the phone. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when all that could be heard was static. The sound coming from the phone seemed muffled.

"H-Hello? Mali?Koa?"

No response.

I turned to Matt and gave him a half smile,to excuse my absence. He gave me a reassuring smile back.

Finally after what felt like centuries, I heard a voice. It wasn't clear. I just heard a rushed statement.

"Ariana Grande get your ass to Gemma's apartment.Right now."

It took me a while to process something.

Bitch hung up on me.

I pulled a face at my phone before I  quickly hurried back to my table. I grabbed my purse and carried it so it was slung through my elbow. Somehow, I managed to carry my doughnuts and my drink. I turned to Matt.

"I'm so sorry but I have to go. My friend-"

"No,no. It's cool. I understand. But amazing meeting you. You're a true legend."

I'm not ashamed to say that his compliments made me blush. Since I don't particularly like hugging people, I waved goodbye to him and made my way out of the building.


I walked out of the elevator to  and tried to remember where exactly. Gemma lived. Mali refused to answer my of my questions thorough they'd the and instead, told me to make sure I'm not seen. This is the reason why I'm wearing a oversized hoodie with black Ray-bands. My hair was not in my usual half pony, but was instead in a messy bun.

I casually walked down the halls, making sure to keep my head down. Just in case there were cameras.

Yes I might be acting to cautious but you can never be too careful.

I decided to play it up by swaggering(walking?) down the hall. I was doing very exaggerated movements. I probably looked high as fuck right now but I'm willing to sacrifice my dignity.

Mainly because I'm wearing a disguise so no one knows it's me.

I walked past 1.....2.....3 doors. Mali told me it's the fourth door to my right.

I stopped infront of the door.

I turned around casually. Smacking my gum loudly in case anyone was watching me. I quickly surveyed my surroundings. No one was in sight.

I quickly turned around and frantically banged on the door. I cursed myself at my idiocy and whirled away from the door. What if someone heard me and came outside to check. Usually, I wouldn't take this so seriously but lately I've been worrying about Gemma.

If Mali wanted me too be stealthy then there's most probably a reason behind it. And if there's not, then I will obviously get her back for making  me make a fool of myself.

I looked down the hallway to see if anyone came out to check what the commotion was about. No one was in sight. Without turning around, I reached behind me to knock on the door.Again.

A warm hand frantically grabbed at me and yanked me inside. I yelled in shock, but I was quickly silenced by another hand slapping over my mouth. I decided to aim a high five to their face. Mali yelped and let me go.

Don't mess with Grande.

I pulled down my hoodie in order to properly to look at the apartment. Sadly, Mali dragged me away before I could.

"Like Ariana, you have to help me-I'm not exactly sure what happened but- Oh my gosh.this  is so bad," Mali kept starting new sentences without finishing her old ones. She was cutting herself off.

I forced the urge to laugh away.

I couldn't help the smile that was plastered across my face. Sadly, it quickly diminished when I entered A bedroom.

Lying unconscious,covered in blood,was the one and only:

Gemma Anne Styles.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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