Chapter Two

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"What the hell just happened?"

"I'm not sure."

After our little talk with Gemma,Mali pretty much lost her appetite. I didn't though-don't judge me. It's Starbucks. By this time we decided to stay at home and watch tv while eating pizza. We both didn't have the will to get up and make ourselves food. We didn't talk about what happened at Starbucks. Mostly, because we were still trying to wrap our head around it ourselves.

Right now we were sitting in the car waiting for any sign of Gemma. We were parked next to a dark alley so we locked the doors.

Better to be safe than sorry.

I was jamming out to 'Pompeii by Bastille' while Mali was scrolling through her phone,doing god knows what. I looked out of the window and saw A figure walking steadily towards us. I slapped Mali so she could pay attention to what's happening. She looked up and squinted through the dark, trying to make out who the figure was. As the figure approached, it became obvious that it was Gemma.

She stopped next to the car and signaled to us that we should open the door. We did just that.

She climbed in and placed her bag on the opposite seat. "Okay,know lets go." She breathed out. I was sure I looked slightly confused.
"Where to?" I asked. She then gave me the directions to wherever the hell we were going. We had been driving for a while in silence(apart from the occasional 'turn right' or 'turn left') when we finally reached the location.

Which just so happened to be in some vast parking lot.

Which just happened to be empty.


Gemma got out of the car and we quickly followed her lead. She walked around the car till she was standing infront of it(with her bag).

We stood in silence for a while until I decided to be the brave one to break it. "So are you going to tell us about the incident that happened earlier?....Or no?" I cringed at how stupid I sounded.

No Ariana,she brought us to an empty parking lot on the middle of nowhere to tell us about her fucking day.

Gemma immediately tensed up when I said that. She sighed and a small frown could be seen on her face. "I wish explaining could be that easy,but I'll try to anyway." She let out a breath and she seemed to be trying to gather her thoughts. She took a deep breath,before continuing.

"This is going to sound a bit crazy-no scratch that. This is going to sound a lot crazy but just try to keep and open mind okay?"  She looked at us each in turn. Without saying a word we nodded. She seemed to take that as motivation as she launched into her explanation.

"You know how our brothers and millions of other people disappeared right? Isn't it strange how no dead bodies have shown up? And there was never a sign of a struggle.It's like they weren't taken, but they just disappeared. MPoof,gone. It's strange so I looked into it- by looked into it I mean I spent weeks digging through libraries and travelling around looking for answers- and I think I might've found something. I  can't explain exactly what's going on ." She stopped too take a breath and analyze how we were doing. I don't know about Mali, but I must've looked preeetttyy stupid.

A moment of silence surrounded us. It's was like bubble- it was giving time for everything to sink in.

Obviously I gotta talk. "Gemma this stuff you're doing, it isn't gonna get you in any trouble is it?" I ask her with caution.Whatever the hell she's doing, shouldn't Bring her into any shit. Considering the fact that the 'Big Poof' happened, saying that the laws have gotten a lot more tighter would be the understatement of the year.

Because to our luck, among the people that vanished with the 'poof' ,happened to be the majority of the presidential officials and the runners. Leaving none other than President Charles to  take their place.

He is a horrible man that takes pride on his cruelty,towards others. Don't ask me how he's president or why he's president but he is a sick, twisted person. Who does he think he is? Changing up laws like he's the freaking King.
The thing is, people are too scared to go against him because rumour has it,he has a secret agency just to have control of humanity. Hundreds of people across the country have been victimized because of Charles. There's nothing you can do about it. Once you complain,the officials wouldn't care. Then after that, they'd find you and 'get rid of you'. A lot of things have changed because of the 'Poof.'

"It shouldn't. At least I think so anyway. I don't know." She trailed of as if in thought. "But it Dosent matter because there are things happening. I'm not going to get specific, but I'm so sorry. You guys are being watched too."

She looked down at her watch and she seemed to realize that she had to go.

A Black car with tinted windows pulled up. It stopped a few feet away from us. Gemma started towards the car. She got in the front seat. And the car pulled out as quickly as it came.

It was almost as if it was never there.




My eyes opened to find green ones staring back at me. I blinked. They were still there. I could recognize those green eyes anywhere.

Harry Styles.

He softly smiled down at me. Even though I knew this was probably just a dream, I was still happy too see him.

"Harry!" I squealed, then tackled him in a hug. He paused,before wrapping his arms around me. He let out a soft chuckle that sounded beautiful to my ears. I was just so happy to see him. Dream or not.

We were in The garden he showed me sometime back. After a while of hugging, he pulled away. But his hands remained wrapped around my waist and mine draped around his neck. Considering the height difference, I opted to change my position to having my palms flat against his chest.

We remained like that for a while before he decided to speak.

"Ariana,don't trust him. Please."

I glanced up to face him in confusion. "What?"

But it was too late, because everything was turning blurry. To my horror, I realized Harry was gradually disappearing too. Gradually he disappeared, until nothing was left apart form his vibrant green orbs. They too, disappeared till nothing was left and I was surrounded by darkness.


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