Chapter One

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"Ari-Get out! I'm here,"Mali screams from downstairs, while stamping her foot impatiently. She was waiting for me to hurry up and finish getting ready so we could both leave.

I rolled my eyes at her impatience but didn't bother to reply. This kind of thing happened every day so by now, I was used to it

"I'm looking for my stilettos-I'm not sure where I put them," I yell back at her as I continue looking for the shoes. Mali let out an impatient sigh. I could hear her eyes roll from here.

Typical Hood.

I looked under my bed and there they were. I should really start putting them where my shoes actually belong instead of leaving them lying around.

"Mali! I found my shoes! Crisis averted-No need to panic anymore," I yell at her as I put on the stilettos,feeling like I saved the world.

Taking on last final glance at myself in the mirror,I proceeded to go down stairs to meet Mali. She had her back to me as she scrolled through her phone. Most likely on Twitter. She turned around and shot me a small smile. "Okay,now let's go get breakfast then hit the mall." She says as we walk towards the door. I opened the door and held it open for her. She stepped through as she continued to ramble about some boy she met yesterday. This kinda thing happened a lot but I'm not complaining. Without her I don't know what I'd do. I can sorta relate to her since for her, Calum and her Mother, Didn't get chosen to be in...well whatever this is.

People started vanishing a few months back. Everyone assumed that there was a serial killer but that assumption quickly disappeared when thousands of people disappeared. No bodies were found-No evidence or clues to where they could've gone left behind they just Vanished. Families were left distraught. I was on the edge when I found out that Niall and Luke-Along with the rest of their bands - had disappeared. Their families were devastated(me included) but slowly most of their families began to disappear too. Presumably to the same place they were.

Some people assumed it was the rapture but I'm not sure to be honest.

We arrived  at Starbucks and I pratically ran out of the car. Not really though. I walked in and scanned the room  find an available table.To my suprise,Gemma Anne Styles was sitting hunched over a book in the corner. Her usually styled blonde hair ruffled and sticking up. If I was being honest,She looked like she hadn't slept in A few days. I felt bad about the fact that I hadn't noticed  all this.

I started towards her without any thoughts in whirling around In my head. I had one main priority right now and it was too Find out what was wrong with her. I reached her and cleared my throat. She didn't acknowledge me. I tried again. Nothing. Feeling abit exasperated, I reached over and tapped her on her shoulders. Not too hard though. But it might as well have been because she jumped up in fright and spilt her coffee all over the table.

My hands rushed to cover my mouth in shock. I quickly started fumbling with a napkin and muttering apologies. All at once. Gemma,must've had the same idea too because she too was fumbling with the napkins while apologizing. I glanced up at her in confusion. She looked tense and I meant it. She looked like she was have expecting something to jump out at her and kill her right there and then. She kept looking around nervously.

"Gemma.why would you be apologizing?? I'm the one that scared you and that caused all of that"-I gestured towards the spilt coffee-"To happen." She gave me a wry half smile that kind of reminded me of Ha-Real mature Ariana. Comparing Gemma to her brother. wow.

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