Chapter 4

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When Mizu and Kit Kat finally arrived to the golden gate, Mizu was thinking "Kit kat, just to be safe i think we should go and ask that guard over there and ask him what will happen if we go in the golden gate." So mizu and kit kat went up to the guard. "Hello" said mizu. "We have a question" "whatcha need?" Asked the guard. Mizu said "well, me and kit kat were wondering what will happen if we go into the golden gate. We have these 4 graals here and we are ready to go in." Mizu and kit kat showed the guard the 4 graals. The guard was shocked and never expected anyone to find the 4 graals. "Oh my goodness" said the guard in surprise. "I never expected this to happen." "Yea" said mizu. "Well is it safe to go in or not?" The guard explained "If you go in the golden gate, it takes you to a different world. Just try not to get lost." "Okay thank you." Said kit kat. They walked up to the golden gate and Mizu said to kit kat "I dont think this is safe. Didnt you hear what the guard said?" Kit kat said "yes i did but im dying to go in there!" Mizu sighed. "Kit kat remember what the guard said?? He said try not to get lost and it takes you to a different world" said mizu. Kit kat looked upset. "Can we at least try ONCE?!" Mizu felt nervous and she sighed. "Fine. But dont seperate no matter what." Said mizu. Kit kat placed the 4 graals in front of the golden gate and then it opened. "Okay, in the count of 3." Said kit kat. "1...2...3!!" They both ran into the golden gate.

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