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{Hey! so this is my first sorta serious, hopefully long going, series! im hoping you guys enjoy it. its gonna be all gerita with maybe some side pairings, we'll see. no set updating schedule really but im going to try an at least every week approach. ENJOY THE FLUFFY YAOINESS}

I looked upward and to the right at the sky to see birds dancing outside, sun shining in an almost ray like gold through the giant window set in the study wall . Today was an unusually warm day compared to the rest of the weeks temperature. It was mid September in Seattle and 5 degrees above the weather forecast of 65, after weeks of rain and overcast skies today's weather seemed almost heaven sent. After moments of contemplating and soaking up the warmth it was back to the task at hand, taxes. Now taxes aren't that difficult to do, in fact i am very good at doing my own accounting, but paying the bills to the shop wasn't what I wanted to spend my day doing. I would much rather be tending the flowers that were all around the store; the daffodils that were late in bloom but still in abundance in rows at the front of the windows, arranging the lavender that were hanging to be dried and folded into a neat arrangement, and the multitudes of queens anns lace that were considered as weeds but had a femininity to them that paired well with almost all flora. More flowers surrounded the store everywhere they could be fit. At the very back of the building was the greenhouse and nursery for the plotting flowers that were bought by avid gardeners. My hand itched to create new arrangements, all orderly and put together perfectly without a leaf out of place. However I needed to finish organizing the rent before tomorrow, so I was crushed to do anything but that until it was finished before the deadline. I could have asked Gilbert to do this, but then none of the bills would be paid. So nothing could be done about it, I was stuck behind my desk. A deafening crashing noise came front the front main part of the store. "Gilbert most likely dropped a flower pot again" I grumbled not only would I be the one cleaning up his mess and whichever flower it was would be needing extra care after my brothers roughhandeling. "Gilbert!" I barked out as I walked, stiff-backed, through the studies door into the open lit area that was known as the main part of the store. Gilbert was characteristically sprawled out on the floor, next to a broken flower pot with a sly grin on his face. Crossing my arms I looked down at my brother, "Your lucky that there isn't any customers here at the moment. Now clean this up right away before any one comes." He simply grinned up at me "awwwwe I was gonna pick it up anyway bruder! You don't have to give me the evil eye." He made a childish gesture of sticking his tongue out as he stood up. "Be more careful around the flowers. We don't want to destroy them all before we can either sell them or arrange them, and Francis wont be able to keep up with more flower shipments than once a month, not to mention our budget too." Francis had been our supplier since the beginning of the shop and still dependably provided for us. However since the Beilschmidt Bros. flowers prided themselves in high quality, we only bought the best from him, which meant smaller portion of his supply and more expensive. "Your always worrying about money luddy, its not healthy for you. Trust your big bro when he says everything will be fine! See? Im already cleaning it up." Gilbert grabbed a broom and began sweeping at random spots on the floor. "Fine, just be done before a patron comes in...." as I turned I cached a glimpse outside the window to the normally vacant building next to ours. Conversely, today there were countless trucks parked in front and men with paint walking around with brushes and rolls. The man that looked to be directing them all was tall, imposing man with dark curly hair that seemed to be of European descent. "Bruder... was the empty building next door sold?" I looked questioningly down at Gilbert who was still cleaning up the shards of broken clay. "yep! That old guys been busy for a couple hours out there. I was planning on presenting my awesome self over there when he was done but they just keep working. Damn these shards are everywhere." he kept sweeping roughly at the floor to try and pick up all the stray pieces. "Did the old landlord say anything about whats going to happen to the old building?" if a similar type of store set up next to us it would be critical for business, we needed to know about our surroundings at all times to be prepared for any issues. "I heard it was bought by some Italians, so its probably gonna be made into a pasta place" he sniggered at the thought of a supermarket piled with different types of pasta and Mario men walking around the aisles shouting mamma mia. I frowned in thought about what would happen to the empty shop next to us. If it was turned into a restaurant it wouldn't be an issue, however if it was any type of farming shop there might be a real issue on our hands. I stared anxiously towards the imposing man giving directions to the various workers. I quickly caught his eye as he was surveying the work and he grinned widely, almost blinding me with his openness, and nodded of his head toward me. I nodded slightly towards him but kept a strict facial expression, then quickly turned my back towards the glass and headed into the backroom study. Sitting back down at my desk the ominous bills were still in front of me, piled up, and waiting to be done.

Right were We areTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon