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Feliciano's POV

1 month later

Our Little Italy shop felt just like home. Instead of the usual sterilized feeling that most tattoo shops had, it was warm and cozy. When I had first walked around the brick building it had a detached feeling to it, but I dealt with that. Little objects were now placed at random all around the room feel, making it feel open and welcoming. From the small cushions that were added on the couch to the dream catchers I hung that grandpa Roma liked so much. I sighed happily with my surroundings and hummed my way to sit on the giant fluffy couch. It was specifically bought for comfort because it was the perfect one to relax customers before they were jammed by a needle, plus I had taken a siesta on it in the store and the staff members had insisted that we needed to buy it after using it. Burrowing my head into the pillows I could almost feel myself loosing the earth to unconsciousness. Finally, after months of being stuck in the lifeless and cold motel room, Little Italy was open and I could meet some new people. The worst thing about the motel was how all the neighbors ignored each other, and not only did they ignore each other but they weren't happy at all! They would walk around miserably and when I would try to give a smile they would downcast their eyes and walk along as if I just tried to attack them; That was one of many differences of living in America, I just wasn't used to being detached from people. I only had fratello and grandpa Roma at the moment, and I was positive that I was annoying them. I tried not to be, I really tried, but while they were busy working on the shop I was stuck at the motel with nothing to do. But finally I was out of there, starting a new life today officially. I sat up straight from the fluffiness of the pillows coming to a new realization; I didn't want to ruin my first day already. I scrambled up and grabbed an apron. Yes, this was the first day of my new life. Ill forget about my old one, along the fear and terribleness, and carry on. "chigi, why are you so excited in the morning fratello?" Lovino grumpily glanced at me as he sipped from a starbucks cup and sat down on the part of the couch that I had been snuggling a minute before. "damn, these starbuck places are everywhere. I get why coffees great but why make a fast food place out of it?" he continued dispassionately as he fiddled with the cup."Well, fratello, it's the opening of Little Italy finally! I just want to get a head start and work hard so grandpa will be proud of me." I beamed brightly back at his grouchy face and grab different ink trays to carry to my station. "And coffees so great why not make it into a fast food chain?" I wobbled my way toward the work station balancing the inks. "At least you're not being a lazy ass for the opening. Just don't drop any of the ink, it's damn expensive and if you drop any of it then you're not doing anymore inking." As he said that my tray tipped slightly, nearly making me topple over along with everything I was carrying. But at the last minute I grasped the tray before anything tipped. Lovino sent me a glare as I giggled nervously, then he abruptly stood up and left to grab some of his materials out of the back storeroom. I exhaled with relief at finally setting all the materials down; at the very least I was going to not drop anything before work hours started. The morning wasn't eventful at all after that, Grandpa Roma was the manager so he told us when we had any appointments, and he had said that surprisingly we were off to an above average opening! I was happy to hear that but lovino grunted that above average was less than a great opening. At lovi's joke grandpa wasn't mad at all, he just head locked him to cheer him up. I had 3 appointments from 9 am to 3; The first man had been bald and asked me to draw a bull dog going up from his neck onto his head. That one was really fun to draw because once I had finished the wrinkles on the man's neck made the bull dog look real. I couldn't stop giggling at my creation until the man gave me a sharp look and I slapped both hands over my mouth. My second appointment was another bald guy, except this one looked more buff and already was covered in tattoos. He declared that he wanted a snake drawn to be going up his leg then stuck his leg out. Once I got into the rhythm of inking along is leg I started babbling about how snakes would definitely make him look scarier than he already did and he seemed to take that as a compliment. I was glad to finish his in a record 30 minutes, the inked finishing was still high quality but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to finish it without trembling and messing up, then him beating me up because of it. And the last customer out of the three was my favorite; it had been a bella who had uneven black hair wearing stylish dark clothes. She wanted amore to be tattooed along her back and I went right away to do her request. She seemed separate from my one way conversation at first but then really got into about which Leonardo was better, Di Caprio or Da Vinci. She left with a smile and wave to me and a wink from grandpa to her. Lovino had watched our exchanges and eye rolled both of us before going back to piercing a couple of snake bites. I was now sitting in the storage room dining on some mostaccioli mosta and fazing out towards the summery weather through the window .Today was a great day, not only was it not rainy for once but Little Italy was in business and already doing great. My eyes travelled outside from the bushes to the various colored bricks of the separate building, to stop at a window which must lead to an office room of some sort. It was practically the opposite of the room I was in now; even though they seemed to occupy the same space, I was surrounded by color supplies, needles, and sterilization chemicals while the opposite had, from what I could see, a cushy desk chair with a giant official looking desk in front of it. What I had heard from Grandpa Roma was that the store over there was a flower shop, so the back must be specifically for the owners. I wondered who might run that type of store, most likely a cute feminine lady, but grandpa hadn't really said anything about who owned the place. I wished it was a cute lady though because then I could flirt with her through the window like a scene from Romeo and Juliet. The door to what must have been the main store opened in the building across and I leaned forward with my face pressed against my window to see who the owner would be, and out walked a tall, fair-haired, man. He walked straightforwardly to the chair and sat down straight, immediately reaching for something in his desk. I was disappointed with the lack of pretty ladies but this guy was interesting too, He gave the impression of being muscular and tough, really scary looking. But he did own a flower shop after all.... I couldn't wait to meet him!

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