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Sighing I set the finished work back in the polished mahogany desk drawers. The clock said 8:30, half an hour after closing time. Gilbert must have been growing anxious at being stuck inside the store after closing time, as he is impatient about staying in one place longer than necessary. I rubbed my temples and took off my glasses, heading out of the study to the larger room. The albino was dazing off into space behind the cashier, oblivious to my entrance and everything around him. "Gilbert, stop spacing out. Have you taken care of watering the plants?" he snapped his eyes up at me with a disgruntled look that one normally gets after being awoken from a nap. "Of course I have. The awesome me wouldn't have let all the pretty plants die." "What about the plotting plants in the back?" I questioned him since the last time I had entrusted this job to him he had dried out almost all the flora in the back. "Yes I wouldn't forget those" "what about sweeping the floor?" "Jeez Luddy, will you calm yourself? I do this stuff almost every day." He huffed and laid his head down on the desk. "Can we go home now, pretty please?" I surveyed the room quickly before replying. All the plants were in place, looked healthy and green, and everything about the room spotless. From the shiny windows to the immaculate wood floor and selected wind chimes splattered around the ceiling. "Yes, we can close up shop now. Then we can go over to the meet the new neighbors." Gilbert instantly shot up with enthusiasm, "finally! Glad my work got past the Ludwig inspection." He winked and we both headed outside, Gilbert almost hopping outside as I locked the door behind us. It had become humid through the course of the day, my palms sweating at the unusual weather. Today seemed to be a strange day, the odd but not unwanted temperature, and the vacant building now being sold, Throughout the 3 years of our flower shop and before then no one had occupied the space. And by people as exotic as from Italy! Very close to my home in Germany yet still completely different. I had heard from Gilbert that we had visited Italy before, when I was very young. And even though I didn't remember much or anything about the trip I've heard of the warmth in Italy; The beautiful museums, the architecture, the food, wine, people, everything about Italy seemed idealistic and perfect. If we had still been living in Germany I would have most likely visited there more than once, maybe one day, I pondered. "So luddy, you think these Italians might give us free pasta?" he snorted. "We'll find out soon enough" I retorted as we stepped up the steps to the glass door of the building. There was a roughly black painted sign on top of the door but with no embellishments or writing on it. The door burst open as Gilbert and I stepped back and the Italian man from earlier looked overjoyed at us standing in front of his door. "Fuck you scared the shit out of me!" Gilbert yelled out at him from behind me where he was crouching. I was still in whiplash as to why this daunting man would look so cheerful to meet the strangers next door that were staring at him before. "Ah yes sorry about the abruptness! Welcome! You can come in even though the place isn't put together yet." The Italian man spoke with a thick accent, but was clear enough in his English for us to understand. He stepped aside and held the door open as we entered the darkly lit area. I had never seen the inside of the large building before but all it was at the moment was an open space, clean but nothing inside. All three of us awkwardly formed into a circle looking each other over. The imposing Italian looked older up close than I had originally thought which was surprising; he looked to be in his 40s but was still as cheerful as if he was a 7 year old. His clothes were very fashionable too, characteristically for an Italian, with a button down shirt and professional-casual slacks. Much different compared to my and Gilberts black t-shirt and jeans combo. "So, introductions! You can just call me by Roma." He smiled overtly at us. Is the man's actual name Roma? I doubted it but maybe people from Italy were named after capitals. "I'm Ludwig Beilschmidt and this is my brother Gilbert, we both own the flower store next door." I reached my hand out to shake hands but the Italian ignored the gesture in favor of the European greeting of kissing on both cheeks. I stood there stiff and rigid until he had finished and moved on to my brother who gave a more affectionate response of hugging back. "So what are you going to do with the empty space?" I went straight to the point and asked the Italian. "yeah, what type of place are you gonna set up here?" Gilbert chimed in. Roma chuckled in response, "well me and my grandsons, Feliciano and Lovino, just came from Italy were we used to be tattoo artists, kind of the family trade. So were planning on making this place a tattoo shop" Gilberts face lit up with excitement at Roma and he seemed to be struggling to articulate what he wanted to say. A tattoo shop would pose no threats to our store, so there really wasn't any issue here then? Of course It would most likely bring in different clientele then was normal to the area but it was doubtful that the place would fill up with drug dealers and biker gangs. There was plenty of legal marijuana to go around in Washington but this certain area was in a nicer locale than most. Gilbert, finding his voice after a quisitive look toward him from Roma and his mouth gaping multiple times, was almost shouting toward me and the Italian. "Hey Roma you think I can get a tattoo here?? And see how all the inking works!!! I've always thought about getting a one but chickened out—I mean never had time to do it. Luddy you wanna come with me and get one? We could get Beilschmidt Bros. tattooed onto our asses together like real brothers!" I groaned at the thought of Gilbert irresponsibly getting that tattooed on him as Roma simply laughed harder at the excited albino. "Of course! I've taught my grandsons everything about inking so it won't be a problem. We should be done fixing up the area in about a week but feel free to drop by anytime! Now I must go because I can't leave my precious grandsons alone for longer than necessary and I was actually in a hurry to leave earlier." He tilted his head toward the door in a gesture to leave. "of course, we didn't mean to bother you." I gave him an attempt at a smile however it probably came out tight lipped and hard. "no bother at all!" Roma gave another overtly open smile and directed all of us out the door, Gilbert seemingly reluctant to leave and end the conversation. Roma waved to us as he walked toward his very Italian old fulva car, leaving me still slightly bewildered at his friendliness and Gilbert continuing the conversation with me. "What if we got each other's names tattooed on each other on our arms??" I was still reflecting over the idea of a new shop opening up next to us, "could a new shop change the quality of real estate in our area?" I quested out loud in response. "Nah well be fine, stop worrying about everything like it's a stick up your ass. Now come on the bachelorette reruns are on and I'm still only halfway through kaitlyn's season." 

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