Chapter 1

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...Me and Shane met in 6th grade. We were best friends until 8th grade, enemies until freshman year, and a couple leading up to senior year. He was my love. 3 years strong and counting.

In sixth grade, I wanted to drop a love letter in a boy named Dylan's desk during lunch while everyone was in the cafeteria. I accidentally slipped it into Shane's and I explained everything to him after he confronted me. I dated Dylan for two months and then we broke up. Shane was there and he became my best friend because Dylan was spreading rumors that I was a lurker for the attention.

Shane beat up Dylan in 8th grade because he tried to have sex with me at a pool party and I got mad at Shane because he put Dylan in the hospital for 3 weeks. We were enemies in freshman year, just avoiding each other and talking shit about each other even though we knew what everyone was saying behind our backs anyway.

In sophomore year, my mom had died from breast cancer and Shane was the only one who was closest to my family then any of my other friends, or enemies in that situation. He kept me company and then we dated shortly after.

In junior year, we had a really big fight because he bet his friend that he could get me to give him a blowjob and I did which got him 150 bucks and I was dumb enough to forgive him, but after that, nothing beat us over.

Senior year. This was my present time. Prom was 5 days away and me and Shane planned everything. We got our outfits, our shoes, our hairstyles, heck even our car got a new paint job. We were taking a limo anyway, but I guess change is good.

The iPhone 3G just came out and it's been the biggest trend since "funky rubber bands" in 1999.

Everyone was getting them and frankly, I was pissed that I was stuck with a Motorola flip phone that takes two hours to text 4 words.

"Babe," Shane called from my living room that he has now taken over as a sowing center.
He had ripped his pants when he tried them on and he was sowing them back together so he could get a new pair for free without paying for the damage he's done, and lemme tell you, Target does not play games.

"Yeah?" I yelled from my room that has been turned into a tornado zone after my massive break out of shoes because the ones I picked had their paint worn off because I was practicing wearing them too much.

"They have a stain and the Clorox won't take them out. What is going on?" He yells.
"I'm coming down, geez. Wait a blabbing second," I mumble loud enough for only myself to hear, but Shane hearing it also made him snicker. I should be more quiet.

I hear the front door open.

"Hey Mr. Revere!" I hear Shane greet my dad. I hear pats and I know that they just hugged.

I run out of my room and down the stairs and hug my dad.

"Hey lilac," my dad started with my pretty little nickname after the plant, "your boyfriend is ruining my living room."

He chuckles and I hear Shane giggle.

"Dad, he's training to be a con artist for less money from his customers and more money for him," I say and my dad just throws his head back laughing. My dad moved out a month ago and he left the house to me when I turned 18. He visits time to time to see how I'm doing. Plus, he likes Shane a lot and talks about sports with him all the time.

My dad says goodbye after having some mashed potatoes that I made the night before and leaves me my weekly allowance of 600$.

I spend a lot of money on food and clothes so he doesn't even hesitate. He just places it in my hand and leaves.

"You're dad is amazing. I love that guy," says Shane.
"Ditto," I say.
"No. We're not watching Ghost tonight. We watched it 3 times this week. Can we watch something else?" He said.
"Dirty dancing?" I asked.
"Can you find a movie without Patrick Swayze?" He asked.
"No. He's my love," I complain.
"Okay, I see," he says and crosses his arms.
"Babe, he's not in my age group anyway. You're my one and only," I say and hug him.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"I love you, baby," he says.
"And I love you," I say. We stay there for a while, and then clean up, and watch Finding Nemo and we go to sleep. He usually sleeps over my house in my bed. Surprisingly enough, we've never had sex. He's never tempted me. The closest we've got to sex was fingering, sucking, and eating out one another.

We wanted to save that moment for prom which is why we rented a room at a hotel in New Jersey, and we'll make love there.

•••••••••••••••• 5 days later

It was 7:30 in the afternoon. I was waiting for Shane to come in 5 minutes while I zip up my dress and touch up my makeup for the 80th time.

My dress was made of silk. It was wavy, like the sleeping beauty. I wanted to do something different. Not like junior year with my Cinderella dress. It was horrible. Thank god I was late enough for no pictures. Shane was pretty pissed off though. That night was horrible after prom. He threw things against the wall and almost broke every piece of furniture in my basement while we tried talking it out. He claimed I looked beautiful and he'll never remember now that I was late. We took many photos and videos on his camcorder. I just complained of how much he was over reacting.

I hear the front door open.
And that's when everything changed forever.

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