Chapter 3

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Shane's POV

"Mr. Revere, I love your daughter very much," I said to Delilah's dad. I would never want him to think of me differently. Delilah went to the bathroom and I think she'll be there for a while given the fact that pregnancy gets your bladder full quickly.
"What is your problem? What kind of person do you think you are. First, you get my daughter pregnant, and after she tried to tell you nicely, you call her disgusting names, and then wake up to greet me like you just got the best news ever. What the hell?" Her father said.
"Mr. Revere, I'm sorry. I was surprised and didn't know what to do when she told me. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. I am going to be a dad, Mr. Revere. Just like you are and I'll have the best child ever. I'll be there for her through everything. I'll get her through college, I'll get a place with her, or I can move in here just for her," I say. I wanted to be with Delilah forever.

"I don't believe you," he said with his head down, "I want to, but I can't."

"I'll marry her," I say. Delilah was the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She was everything to me.
"What?" He said.
"I will marry her, Robin," I addressed her father by his first name, meaning I was serious.

"You can't just do that," He says, "even if, she's 18. She's too young."
"Mr. Revere, she's having a baby. I don't think marriage is worse than her condition right now," I say truthfully.
"What do you mean, no?" I ask.
"You may not marry my daughter. You may stay here for the child, but you will not marry my daughter. She will find someone better and more careful than you," he said. I was on the verge of tears until I heard a door slam and loud footsteps make their way to the living room.

Delilah's POV

"You may not marry my daughter. You may stay here for the child, but you will not marry my daughter. She will find someone better and more careful than you," I heard my father say.
I opened the door vigorously and stomped my feet towards the living room.

"BETTER?" I yell, "THE ONLY PERSON WHO YOU THINK IS BETTER IS NO ONE. YOU KNOW IM GONNA END UP ALONE. YOU KNOW I LOVE SHANE... But why would you say that," I whisper the last sentence and sit on the couch next Shane and cry. I cried so much. I think I sat there for 10 minutes on his shoulder while my dad looked down on his lap for those ten minutes. I don't know what was happening.

"I'm sorry," I heard my father say, "You're right. I shouldn't have said that. I should be supportive."
I looked at him and then at Shane.
"Dad, you mind leaving? Not to be rude, but I want to talk to Shane for a while. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" I ask.
"Of course," he said and with that he was out the door.

As I waved my dad goodbye while he pulled out of my driveway, I shut the door and sit across Shane on the couch.
"This is all my fault," he says. He puts his hands over his face.
"Don't say that. It's mine. It's all mine. First off, I should've asked you if you had protection, and second, I shouldn't have called him. We could've talked this out together."

"No, no. Your father was okay. It's my fault for not being careful. Hell, I got the life of my life pregnant. Baby, I love you but it's too soon and you know it too. We both know you're not happy about this either," he says and he says the truth. I nod in defeat knowing nobody is happy about my condition. I'm 18, for gods sake.

"Shane, are you gonna leave me, you know, when I have the baby?" I ask hoping he'd be honest.

He looks up, eyes filled with tears, and says, "of course," and he better keep his little promise.

••••••••••••••3 days later

It's been a hard few days. I can't wake up one morning without throwing up. I can't stop eating, but that's not unfortunate in my case. More food is better food. I literally have a mini bump. I'm lazy as hell. I can't think straight. I feel so queazy in the middle of the day and then I go to bed, leaving me with nothing to talk about the next day with anyone.

Shane got a summer job, just a little something since he's moved in now. He's gotta provide too. He got a job as a theater guard in Broadway every Monday through Thursday. He leaves in the night around 7:00 and comes back at 11:00. It seems short but he gets paid a decent amount. I think, 145 bucks an hour.

I'm doing some paperwork for the college I'm applying for. I want it to be perfect. I've been working on it ever since after prom night.

Prom night.

Wow. Do you know how many things went wrong that day? The fruit punch we made was spiked and me and Shane got all pissed because we had to clean 6 classrooms in summer for our punishment. My dress had gotten stained with chocolate, not too bad, but it was a fucking expensive dress. Then the hotel. I still can't believe that the first time I have sex, I get pregnant. What the fuck.

Now, I'm not calling my baby a mistake, but he/she was totally uncalled for. I could've waited another 4-5 years to have a baby, and hopefully with Shane, but I guess sometimes plans work out earlier then expected.

Shane is a great help. He is painting the guest room a baby blue, since either gender can fit into the color. The crib is going to be plain wood and the sheets with stars, not really emphasizing the gender at all. He bought he/she converses for new borns. They are red so perfect for a lot of outfits.

My dad has been coming around once in a while. He drops off some things that really aren't needed but are house warming, I guess.

•••••••••••••••••7 months later

Shane and I bought a house in Staten Island. It's a great place for the baby, friendly and all, and we have a lot of land, and as in land, I mean a back yard. The house is huge and the yard has to be too. Shane got a job at the local photography's office where he takes family photos for customers and gets paid hundreds for one photo. I'm working a block away at a small farmers market where everyday, I can take a bag of fruits and veggies or anything else I need for the house, and for free. I get paid 67 bucks an hour and it's pretty good. Tomorrow I'll be 8 months and I'm more than excited. It's February. The baby might be born on March 16th, according to the doctor.

My dad moved to California because he got remarried 3 months ago with his upstairs neighbor in his building. Turns out, they dated 2 years after my mom died. She's very pretty, but still, she's not my mom and never will be able to replace her, which is my dads objective for most of my life.

Shane's been very suspicious, I guess. He's a nervous wreck. He can't think straight. He's so weird lately. He isn't as loving as he was, he isn't so intimate, and he's just plain old boring, which is totally his opposite.

His mom came the other day with gifts. We recently found out that the baby will be a girl and I'm so excited. I can't wait to spoil her with everything that I've got.

Shane, on the other hand, could obviously be thinking up something different.

He wants to take me out to dinner tonight and I'm beyond terrified. What if he breaks up with me, what if he wants nothing to do with the baby. I don't know

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