Chapter 4

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I got ready for my date night tonight and I'm scared. I put on light makeup, who cares, I'm pregnant so nobody wants me. I'm fat, having cravings, and sitting every 2 seconds I get up.

Shane is dressed up in a nice suit. It's a black suit with a white button up and a black tie. I swear, if I had a white puffy dress, I'd marry him.

He comes upstairs and finds me trying to try on some new red shoes he got me but my fat tummy was in the way.

He comes to me, gets on his knees, and places my foot in the beautiful shoe. It's flats, by the way. I could not handle heels in this condition.

Shane gets a text message and when he pulls out his phone, I see my dads name on the screen.

He slides to open the message and he walks away before I read something. They've been talking for a while and I'm pretty suspicious in what they're planning. Maybe, we're moving again. Ugh. No more boxes please.

Shane comes back in and helps me up from my bed. He holds me by my elbow and walks me down the long flight of stairs. I really have to baby proof this whole place in order for my baby to be safe at all times.

We get into the mini van that my grand mother sent me from Europe on a boat. Yes, a boat. She bought it at a used car shop in Montenegro.

Shane starts the car and I gasp when I feel the baby kick. It wasn't a cute kick, but a, "I'm almost ready so get me out of here," kinda kick. I let it slide. Maybe she's just hungry. Well, we're going to eat now.

We pull up to a very fancy restaurant. It was designed to look like a very large aquarium. It was all made of glass and inside were dozens of glass boxes with fishes swimming everywhere.

We sat at a table in a corner, perfect for me because I can't handle being in the center of everything. The waiter comes and I think he just wrote an essay of what I want to eat. Shane, on the other hand, was just the theme of the essay. Again, I was everything else.

We sat there, talking and laughing, telling each other about how we feel about the baby. We laughed about our child hood memories. One of my favorites is when I used to hate him and one day he got hurt, and I was such a sweetheart so I bring him to the nurse and held his hand the entire time. I remember one time in sophomore year, he brought me to the schools swimming pool and we swam for hours on end when we weren't supposed to. We got suspended for a week and we still came to school just to bug our teachers.

A man with an apron on comes with 3 trays of food for all of which was for me and places it on my side of the table. Shane only had 2 plates. It's funny because I had 3 trays and he had 2 plates. I finished everything before him until I felt a cold metal piece in my mouth.

I put my two fingers in my mouth and pulled out a very small object covered in fried calamari and started to cry.

It was an engagement ring. Shane was proposing.

He takes the ring from my grasp and gets on his one knee.

The music in the place stops and a group of men start playing the violin. They were playing a beautiful melody, which in fact, I believe was by Bach.

"Delilah Rose Revere. I've been waiting for this ever since I met you. I've been wanting to tell you this every single day ever since I found out you were carrying my child. I will make this simple so I don't embarrass myself and say, will you marry me?" He says.

I start crying. I think I was crying so much that I flooded my area. I felt water going down my legs and then Shane yelled.

"Delilah! The baby!"


"She needs an emergency C-section right away. The baby could lose breath. Hurry up!" I heard a voice say while I was being carried through multiple hallways with drugs going through my system to relieve any pain I had. I couldn't see.

"Help her, goddamn it!" I heard Shane yell from in front of me, by my legs.

"Sir get out the way. If you are the father, put some gear on and help us!" One female voice days. I hear someone walk out and then walk in 5 minutes later.

"Okay, I do what now?" I hear Shane ask before everything went dark.


I wake up to someone talking.

"Daddy will always be in your heart, remember that, but daddy has business to take care of, you understand?" I hear someone say. I think it was Shane. Why was he talking and to whom was it.

"Here, my love. I'm putting this in mommys purse and when you're old enough, you can wear it. It's my lucky bracelet. I'm sorry that this is going to be this way," I hear Shane sniffle and start to sob, "I will never leave your heart and you will never leave mine. Not even mommy will leave. I'm always gonna be here."

I hear a door shut and that's the last time I ever heard that voice.


Short chapter sorry omg. Ily though.

Shout out to everyone who reads this.

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