A Mother's Love

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A/N: Ok ok quick authors note. Really sorry for the slow update--I had some computer issues and some partial bully issues. To those wondering, I don't know if you got my comment. Uhm the Quotev version is a bit different. I am editing this version a bit, you know fine tuning and correcting things I didn't like about the other one for this one. The quotev version is not finished either though soooo yeah either way you'll have to wait for updates. Sorry again and next week I will make sure to update at least twice soo anyways on with the chapter. Thank you Lovelies!

"So how do we get to London?" Harry asked.

Luna smiled, "We fly of course." She gestured us to follow her and we all looked at her in confusion. "Well come on now we don't have all day." She laughed and we quickly followed her into the edge of the forest.

"Uh Luna what exactly are we doing here?" I asked nervously. She brought her finger to her lip and shushed me.

"You'll make them nervous," she whispered.

"There's nothing there," Ginny pointed out.

"Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there," She said in a sweet soft voice. She dug opened her bag and took out a piece of raw meat. "So who wants to go first?" I nervously walked up next to her.

"I guess I will," I said. She smiled and started saying things to coax whatever was there to us.

"There you are," She smiled and started petting what seemed to be thin air.

"Luna what exactly are these things?" Ron asked.

"Thestrals," Harry answered.

"You mean you can see them?" Hermione asked.

"Of course I can," He smiled and petted what I am guessing is a Thestral and mounted it.

"Don't be scared their just as scared of you as you are of them," Luna said and took my hand placing it on the creature helping me to stroke it. I smiled to myself as I felt a nudge on my shoulder. "She likes you," She smiled. "Let me give you a boost." She kneeled down and locked her hands together to help me mount it.

"This is so strange I feel like I'm floating." I said in awe.

"Hold on tightly to its neck, flying will be a bit rough." Luna said. "You guys come on now." She said to the others and started helping them get on their own Thestral.

"Everyone ready?" Harry looked back at us and we nodded. "Right then to London it is." He said and as soon as Harry started flying the rest automatically started flying without us needing to tell them or anything. I held tightly to the neck of this unseen creature, scared of falling. After a while it didn't seem so scary though it made me feel free. Soon the sun setted and the moon shone brightly lighting up the clouds in a dark mysterious way that was creepy and enchanting at the same time. Storm clouds formed as we neared the city and thunder rumbled scaring me out of my skin. We flew lower to a less busy area near the phone box leading to the Ministry. It was all a blur after we landed, we struggled to run and keep up with Harry as we went through several turns left right and left and right. We finally stopped and took the elevator which quickly brought us to the level where the door was. The elevator doors opened.

"Department of Mysteries." A voice from the elevator said. We stepped out and at the end of the hallway was an eerie looking door.

"This is it," Harry said and walked down the hallway slowly and cautiously. The air around us was filled with fear and the faces of my fellow companions were engraved with uneasiness. Before we knew it we were in the prophecy room. Rows and rows of shelves full of orbs that looked like snow globe, there was no light beside the light from our wands. We heard the door creak open but when we turned around it was exactly how we left it. I shivered and looked at the others frightened. Harry stood still for a moment then turned and quickly walked down the aisle. "Ninety-three, Ninety-four, Ninety-five," He counted on then a reached a certain point and looked around. He turned to look at us, "He should be here."

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