The Night of No Sleeping

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Dallon's POV

Why is someone at my door at 2 am.

They keep knocking, more like banging, until I open the door. At first I see nothing because it's dark out and whoever this is is wearing nothing but black, and then my eyes adjust.

"Brendon? What are you doing here, it's two in the morning."

"I need you to let me in, let me sleep here tonight without calling Sarah or Spencer or anyone and don't ask any questions."

"What? That's insane, what's going on?"

"Let me stay here, just for tonight, I'll explain it tomorrow when I understand it more than I do now." The light above my door has finally turns on and I can see him clearly now. His hair is a mess, his eyes are red just as his cheeks, below his eyes it's black. He's been drinking, crying, and possibly smoking which he stopped doing a few months back at Sarah's request once it got really bad. I open my door wider and step out of the way to give him room to walk. He goes directly to the couch and sits down with his head in his hands.

"I know you told me not to ask any questions, but do you need anything? Water, blanket, some Advil?" He shakes his head, "Okay, I'll see you in the morning." He gives a small nod and I debate on saying more, telling him he can tell me what he thinks he knows and thinks happened, but I decide against it and head back to bed. I intend to continue sleeping, but sleep never fully comes. I'm in and out of it continuously. I worry about Brendon and what had happened. Worry about how I haven't heard from Merideth since she told me why she didn't make it to dinner. It's almost seven when I give up on sleep entirely and decide to go to the cafe across the street to get Brendon some coffee and a muffin.

The cafe is rather empty for a Sunday morning, but it's filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the people that are there are quietly sipping on their coffee. Some are reading, some writing, and others doing some kind of work on their laptops. I like to imagine that during my free time I'd come here instead of sitting around at home.

I'm taken from my thoughts when the barista says something that I don't quite get, "I'm sorry?"

"I asked if I could get you something," she says with a laugh.

"Oh, sorry, just a coffee and two blueberry muffins."

"One coffee, but two muffins?" She gives another laugh.

"I'm not really much of a coffee drinker...but you can make that two coffees." She smiles and this time I return that smile.

"You're name is Dallon right? Dallon Weekes?" I hesitate a moment as it's still too early, "I'm sorry, I tend to blurt things out before I actually think things over. That would be twelve dollars."

"No, it's fine. I didn't get much sleep and it's taking longer than usual to process things," I say handing her a twenty dollar bill, "But yes, my name would be Dallon Weekes." She gives a small nod and hands me my change and goes to fill the coffee cups.

"Have a nice day," she says handing me a carrying tray with two coffees and a white bag with the muffins. She smiles once more and I give a nod as if to say thank you. I admire the people once more before I go to walk out, but even then I'm stopped.

"Sarah, hi. What are you doing on this side of town?" She seems to be a mess just as Brendon was, but in a different way. She didn't get sleep and didn't care enough to do her makeup or do anything but comb through her hair.

"I was hoping to run into you actually...Brendon...he ran off last night and never came home, I was wondering if maybe you knew where he was. I went to you apartment first, but you didn't answer. I wanted some tea or something so I came here. I'm sorry, you can get going, you obviously have someone waiting for you," she says gesturing at the two coffees.

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