the clown and the killer

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Rated Y for yaoi. Enjoy

Jeffs p.o.v

"Hey, do you love me"? "Of course I do" "then why can't you tell me that you do"?

I was laying on jacks chest this afternoon and had a problem, a big problem, over the years jack and I have been together I loved him and he loved me but he never told me that he loved me. I have tried my best to get him to say it but he just says 'me too' or 'so do I' even the first time we had sex he didn't say it so I ended up asking him.

"What,? Jeff when did this come up"? "Just now" I sat up and looked him the eye "so tell me, do you love me"? "Yes I do" "then say it, say that you love me" "i-i" "you know what never mind" I got up off his chest and walked away as did jack but he tried to chase me "jeff baby, wait" he grabbed my wrist but I pulled away and went to the room. "Jeff please,don't be like that" in the room I grabbed my sweater and knife then opend the door and walked past jack only to go to the door "jeff were are you going" "I'm leaving" "what"?! "You head me" I got close to the door and opend it "jeff please don't go, I can't live without you" "oh...then die" after I said that I left without looking back. I dont know how long I was walking but by the look of the sky I was walking for a pretty long time, I stopped walking when I got to a hill that was over looking the city and the woods. The feeling of the light breez felt good across my skin, the silence was good until someone broke it. "Jeff"? I looked behind me and saw that jack was only five feet from me so I turnd back around not facing him "jeff can you please look at me" I didnt turn back at all, that wasn't until jack came behind me and put his hands on my shoulders I only sighed.

"Jeff I can't tell you because I want the moment to be special, I want it to be perfect, I want it to be just me and you" as he said those words he made me feel warm inside. I moved my head to one of his hands and rubbed agenst it lightly "can you sit with me" "of coarse" he sat down and rapped an arm around me I leand next to him just letting him hold me and with my other hand I held onto the hand that wasn't around me, the sun was already setting and thats when it happened "jeff, I love you" that made me look up at him "tell me again" "I love you" "I love you too" we wached the sun set then gazed at the starts.
"Look jeff a shooting star, make a wish" "I wish this moment would last forever, what about you" "I wish that I could hold you forever", me and jack were enjoy the moment while it last, that wasn't until three cars came by they were teens that were gonna do somthing but god knows what it is me and jack then sat up and were gonna walk away but then a car parked behind us and was honking for us to get out of the way I got so mad that I stabbed the light of the car that made the person get out of the car "dude what the hell, did you just break my light?!" I sighed "sorry that our moment is ruined" "well I gusse we go home now" "not without a short kill" we stood up and walked away as I was about to stab some guy but girl grabbed my arm
"Hehe your pretty cute" as I was about to hit this girl jack came by and punched her in the face "no one calls my jeffy cute but me" that got everyone's attention "Jessica?, what the hell did you do to my girlfriend?!" Jack then grabbed the dude by his neck he didn't kill him just made him lose air. After that, everyone charged at us, I stabed five people and jack sliced them with his claws, it was fun after it was done we went home hand in hand. When we got home I took off my sweater and shirt then tossed them in the washer "hey I'm gonna go take a shower, would you like to join me"? "Jeff there's a box of needles that can kill anyone in five seconds under my bed, if I ever said no to that question I want you to use them on me" I giggeld as he chased me up the stairs. When we got up to the bathroom he pushed me against the wall and kissed me long and hard causing me to melt into him, when the kiss broke I went to the facet and turnd on the shower when I looked back jack had already removed most of his clothing and that made me blush "come on love its not like you haven't seen me like this before" I was gonna walk up to him to give him a kiss but he pulled my wrist and I was up against the wall again. Jack kissed down my neck and to my chest till he got to my pants line, he undid my belt and pulled my pants down and off the same with my boxers he just swiped them off "lets get in before the hot water is gone" he got up and pulled me in, I let the water run down my hair and rinse all the blood that was in there, jack on the other hand was just watching me do it "do you want me to wash your hair"? "No I think I'll get" "oh, ok" before I had a chance to grab the shampoo jack grabbed my waist and pulled me to the floor making me go down on all fours.

L.j's p.o.v

After jeff said that he can wash his own hair I got bord and decided to take matters into my own hands, so I pulled him to the floor and got behind him "ready love"? "Jack wait"! Before jeff could say anything I pushed into him and thanks to the water I was able to move in and out without trouble. "Jack time out"! I couldn't really hear what jeff was saying I was enjoying the moment too much, "jack I'm gonna-"! "Ahh me too jeff"!
"Oh god jackie"!! "Oh jeff"!!. Boom, we both hit at the same time, the water washed away our mess and cleand us up, after that we got out and went to bed, "I love you jeff" "I love you too jack".

*next morning*

I wake up to the smell of eggs and pancakes, after I got out of bed I went down stairs to see jeff cooking "morning love" "morning babe" I rapped my arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder when that procedure was done I sat at the table, jeff then came by to sit down but he was walking with a limp "hey baby you alright"? "Yeah it's just that you pounded me so hard last night that I can barely walk strate" I laughed a bit.
Me and jeff had a normal morning and day that same as usual, but I'm glad that I can do all these things with him because I love him and that is a true fact.

Ok so I hope that you guys liked this one and theres more to come.
Comment, vote, share, read, like,ask, and enjoy. Until next time bye

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