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Hazel Grace POV

I wake up until the ICU I know because its not my room, memories of last night come flooding in, the feeling of the the supernovae in my head the excruciating pain.
The first thing in my mind is Augustus, my love - my infinity.

A nurse comes into the room carefully opening the door as if the sound would kill me, I smile to myself I have cancer but I'm still alive, in what condition I can't say, but I'm still alive yet they're so careful towards me as if I'm that fragile, like I'm the weakest person out there, which isn't true , not even close I'm one of the strongest people out there,and I refuse to give up, this is not the end.

My nurse speaks up breaking my daydream "Hello, I'm Allison your nurse."

I smile, a smile anyone except Augustus would believe. "Hello Allison my nurse." I say with my raspy voice I try not to move considering the fact that I feel like shit.

"Can I have some ice chips please, Allison my nurse?"

"Sure here ya go" she says spooning ice chips into my mouth"

"I'm surprised you haven't asked about your boyfriend yet."

"I don't have a boyfriend." I lie , Augustus is my boyfriend but I don't want them to know that, it feels too personal to tell someone I've just met,even though she's my nurse.

"Oh well there's a kid that's been waiting out there the whole time for you and hasn't left." Augustus...he came. I smile to myself.

"He hasn't seen me like this has he?" I ask

"No, family only." Allison my nurse tells me

I nod my head letting sleep overcome my thoughts.

Augustus POV

"I can't take this anymore" I think to myself, you know what? I'll just sneak in screw this I need to see my future wife, I don't have any time for waiting, What a slut time is she screws everybody.

I manage to sneak in, adrenaline pumping through my veins, what if I get caught?
who cares though? I'm just gonna go check in on my Hazel Grace aka my future wife and future mother of our future children. I don't see anything wrong with that.

When I walk in my I hear my heart shattering even more, if that's even possible at my point. She's hooked up, machines surrounding her a tube coming from her side. I sit down and grab her hands. She's pale but her hands are still her hands and her nails were painted this dark blue, almost black color and I sit there and wish for more time, to spend together we're in love there's no denying that especially after the trip to Amsterdam, we told each other how we truly felt, it was beautiful hearing the words " I love you Augustus Waters" and "Okay." Come from her mouth and even better it was towards me. I am hers and she is mine.

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter but I have to go to doctors again, sadly I was diagnosed with lung cancer last month its hard but I know I can get through it, but if I don't please know it happens even though I'm only 15 I think I've lived a long enough run, so if I choose to let go and give up please don't be sad or pity me. Remember the world is not a wish granting factory....

Stay strong and be happy for me please! Just know I love you all!
- ShaileneWoodley04

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