Chapter Two: Anxiety

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"Taste of the cherry, I just need to take a bite!" Annie sang at the top of her lungs. She didn't sound very good, but it didn't matter because she was alone in her car. Her mom had asked her to run a few errands and she was currently driving home from the grocery store.

Annie turned into her neighbor hood as continued driving all the way to the dead end where her house was located. She got out of the car and unlocked the trunk, grabbing four bags of groceries. She walked inside her house and put the bags on the counter.

"Alex! Get down here and help me with the groceries!" Annie yelled, waiting for her younger brother to come downstairs. Annie admits that she did sound like an annoyed mother yelling at her children.

Alex came downstairs and walked outside to get the rest of the groceries. Annie decided to let him put up everything up since she was the one that did all the shopping and that only seemed fair.

It was Labor Day weekend and Annie wanted to do something so she texted her friends Sara and Jules asking if they wanted to come over on Sunday. Annie would've asked Mal, but if she wants to do anything with her she always has to schedule it way in advance.

Annie's phone buzzed revealing a text from Sara.

Sara: Okay, what time do you want us to come?

Annie: around 12:00?

Sara: Okay, sounds good! See you tomorrow!

Jules: Is there anything u want us to bring?

Annie: probably just your swimsuit.

Jules: Okay, byeeeeee!

Annie put her phone down, as her head began pounding. She never gets headaches, so it was strange. She went into her room to go lie down and try to sleep, even though it was only seven o' clock at night.

Annie wasn't able to fall asleep, so she just laid there until 9:00. Eventually she did fall asleep and she she slept for a long times.


"Annie, wake up!" Jules whacked her friend with a pillow.

"How did you get in here?" Annie sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Your mom let me in," Jules smiled, "and you said to be here at twelve, and it's twelve thirty."

"Okay, then where's Sara?" Annie asked, getting out of bed.

"I don't know, I called her like five times." Jules told her.

"Okay, well can you leave so I can change?" Annie asked, shoving Jules out of her room. Annie was extremely insecure and self conscious, and Jules knew this, she just didn't understand why. You don't understand what something's like unless you've been through it.

Annie walked into her closet and picked out a black swimsuit top and blue bottoms. She quickly slipped them on before putting some high-waisted shorts and a white t-shirt that had an alien in the corner on over her swimsuit. She tucked in the t-shirt, put on her blue flip flops and walked into the the hallway where Jules was waiting for her.

"Do you have your swimsuit on?" Annie asked, walking back into her room with Jules following her.

"Yep!" Jules smiled and Annie applied some waterproof mascara to her eyelashes.

"Did Sara ever call back?"

"No, she's probably just having trouble with her blood sugar." Jules stated.

"Yeah, you're right. Well, what do you wanna do until she gets here?" Annie asked, nicely. Jules just shrugged.

Annie sat down on her bed, as her energy had been drained. Jules plopped down next to her.

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