The New Girl

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The New Girl

status: complete


Jordin is the new girl... again. She's shy, quiet, and completely oblivious to her good looks. When she's thrown into the dance team and shows off her talent, she's suddenly popular. But Jordin doesn't want popularity. She wants to be by herself, because when you're by yourself, you can't get hurt, right? But when she meets Scott, the football star of the school, who seems to have a crush on her, will she come out of her shell? Will Jordin drop her walls and show Scott that there's a different girl under the shy and quiet girl on the outside?  


this is the very first book i ever posted on wattpad, back sometime in 2012, i think. i wrote it because i wanted to experiment with my writing, and i thought teen fiction and romance were the way to go. a girl moving to a new school seemed like an easy enough idea, and so i decided to run with it. honestly, i really didn't put a ton of thought into the new girl; i was new to wattpad, and i wanted to throw something together and get some sort of feedback. regardless, this is the first novel i've ever completed, and it's still here, solely because of that reason. 

author's note: 

i know there's not much more to say after that about, but i do have a few things to add. honestly, i'm not a big fan of this book. looking back at it makes me cringe, because i find my own writing so undeveloped and rushed and silly. but the new girl got a lot of attention and positive feedback. so really, i do want to thank everyone who took the time to read it. 

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