Vigilant Stink Eye

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The CEO who coolly ran a multibillion-dollar business that employed well over 100,000 people was essentially giving his wife the teenage equivalent of the stink eye as she struggled to finish her second egg at the breakfast bar. Ever since their daughter's dramatic entrance into the world, Christian had been eyeing Ana like a hawk for the last five weeks, watching her every move in between running after an overactive son and wailing newborn. He could easily run on three hours of sleep a night, but even Christian's ever-vigilant eyelids were beginning to droop trying to keep up with his expanding brood.

Meanwhile, Ana, true to form, was sympathetic of her husband's controlling tendencies, which went into overdrive after their labor scare when she needed two transfusions to stem a sudden bout of bleeding. But even she was ready to gouge his eyes out if he made one more snide comment about her eating habits.

"I've had a banana, strawberries, kiwi, an egg, two pieces of toast and orange juice Christian," Ana said, rattling off her breakfast menu to him as if he were the child in the family. "My appetite just naturally goes up and down. You know that." She softened the blow with a sweet smile. It didn't work. He was still frowning. It was time to whip out the big guns, she thought, biting her lip.

His own lips quirked up in response. "Fine Mrs. Grey, but I expect you to eat a hearty lunch, especially since you're heading into the office today — which, may I remind you, I'm not exactly thrilled about. And don't roll your eyes. I'm not ready to spank you for it just yet," he added.

She giggled, looking forward to rolling her eyes soon. "How crazy is it that I'm the first one to go back into the office before my hotshot-CEO-hubby-turned-superdad?" she teased him.

"Well, you're a very important woman Mrs. Grey. Just as I knew you would be all those years ago," he winked at her. Christian could never resist an "I told you so" moment to gloat about buying SIP, now Grey Publishing. He knew she'd be a natural-born leader when he hoisted the company on her shortly after their marriage.

She mentally rolled her eyes, thinking about how hesitant she was to assume the CEO role after he'd gifted her SIP as a wedding present — a sweet if bizarrely extravagant wedding present. But she had to admit that seven years later, while she loved being a wife and mother, Ana also relished her job and was grateful their wealth afforded her the luxury of help at home.

"I'm glad one of us is so prescient — and insanely rich enough to buy whatever the hell he pleases," she replied, smirking. "Besides, I'm only making an appearance for two quick meetings. I'll be back in a few hours Christian."

"I don't like it," he grumbled petulantly, the teenage boy in him reemerging. He still hadn't broached the subject of the extra security that, unbeknownst to Ana, would be tagging along with her today. He'd help her get ready for work, butter her up a bit and then bring it up, he thought.

"You're exhausted, you're still slightly anemic after the postpartum hemorrhaging, you're not eating as much as when Teddy was born and you're breastfeeding Anastasia," the anxious husband pointed out. "And ... you've been through a lot baby. I just want you to take it easy," he added, a serious expression marring his handsome face.

"I know Christian. We've both been through a lot. But it's over now, I'm fine and we have so much to show for it," she smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "And I haven't forgotten about the breastfeeding part. I'm going to feed Phoebe — can you get Teddy dressed?"

"Of course. I'll go now. Try to wait for me so I can join you two later."

He kissed her and headed toward Ted's room. Ana marveled at his unwavering devotion to his family. She always knew Christian carried the parental gene, even if it was buried behind his domineering sexual deviant DNA, she giggled to herself. She made her way to Phoebe's nursery, still touched by Christian's fatherly instincts, which tempered her irritation at his incessant worrying. But after weeks of careful supervision and constant nagging, Ana knew it was be time to have a sit-down with her husband about his fears. Best to butter him up first, though, she thought with a wicked grin.

Fifty Shades of Mutual Anxietyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें