Cranky, Hungry and Hopeful

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Ana woke up sweaty and practically suffocating under the weight of her husband, whose large limbs were draped over hers. The erection at her back was even larger. She wasn't ready to face that part of his anatomy just yet, so she kissed his hand and gingerly lifted his arms off her as she sneaked into the shower.

"Just man up and tell him what's going on," she berated herself as hot jets of water streamed down on her. Ana knew Christian loved everything about her. She'd known it even when she was making a fuss about her C-section scar and belly fat the last time this pang of self-doubt cropped up. But this time around, a seven-pound baby hadn't come out of her stomach — it came out from down there, where it's supposed to. And that was one area in particular Christian loved.

She rolled her eyes. He was always going on and on about how "tight" she was — he was barely able to be inside her for more than a minute without singing the praises of her "tightness." Hell, she was a damn virgin when she met him!

But what if she was different now? Ana read about how pregnancy changes women's bodies — makes them, well, looser. And Christian's appetite for sex was voracious — "just like me," she chuckled to herself.

Plus, women were still throwing themselves at her too-good-looking-for-his-own-good husband. She was no longer the tight virginal young girl who fell into his office. She was a grown woman who'd given birth, who was tired all the time and who still had hormones raging through her. She knew her doubts were ridiculous, but that didn't make them any less real.

As she stepped out of the shower and put a robe on, she was secretly grateful to hear Phoebe's wailing, providing her the cover she needed to avoid the topic for just a bit longer. She felt rested, which meant that Christian must've taken care of their newborn overnight. Let him sleep.

Christian woke up reaching for the empty spot next to him. Groggily he lifted his head hoping to catch his wife in the shower but the bathroom was just as empty. So much for morning sex, he thought glumly.

He never liked not knowing where Ana was so he flung his legs out of the bed and went in search of his errant wife.

He found her in the kitchen, bopping vigorously up and down to calm Phoebe's loud shrieks, while Ted tugged on the bottom of her robe demanding that she help with his homework. How much homework can a first-grader have, Ana wondered to herself. All she remembered doing in first grade was coloring and running around outside.

She spotted Christian in the hallway, looking just as cranky as his daughter.

"She's been crying all morning. I didn't mean to wake you," she apologized. "I know you have to go into the office later today."

Christian softened as he saw her struggle to balance two young needy children. "It's OK. I got plenty of rest," he said, reaching for Phoebe. "I'll take her and you help with his calculus or whatever the hell that teacher assigned him," he grumbled.

Christian always did have the Midas touch with his daughter. "Thank you. You're the billionaire mergers and acquisitions math whiz, but I'll do my best," she said, pecking his cheek in appreciation. He automatically kissed her back and they both let out a deep breath. Their "discussion" would have to wait.

Once they settled into their morning routine and the kids calmed down, Christian — now donning a sharp black suit — also calmed down as he watched Ana make Ted's breakfast. Maybe he was pushing her too fast and just needed to stop pressuring her? Maybe he was letting his imagination run wild again and she was just as eager as he was?

Offering up an unspoken truce, he came up behind her and embraced her tightly. Nuzzling her ear, he chose to broach the subject head on.

"Baby, you know there's no rush, right?" he lied. "I'll wait as long as it takes until you're ready." Another lie. He was about to combust.

She interlaced her fingers with his, relishing his touch as she leaned back into his chest. Ana felt even stupider than ever. This man always gave her what she wanted. She also knew her husband was lying through is teeth. He was in a rush — but so was she — so she wasn't going to deny either of them any longer. Well, just a bit longer. Ted was still wrapping up his last-minute homework at the breakfast table.

"I know you said you had an 11 a.m. meeting at the office, but if you don't have any plans for lunch, perhaps I could stop by?" Ana asked, turning to face Christian as she held onto his biceps. "Mrs. Winston was coming by anyway for the afternoon since I had some work to do. But it can wait," she winked.

His face lit up — office sex!

"That sounds perfect," he growled before lunging for her, pinning her body up against the refrigerator with a loud thud. In an instant, his hands were all over her as his mouth ravaged her, desperate for her taste. His panting was hard and heavy as he ground his erection into her belly. Fuck he wasn't sure he could hold out much longer.

She was just as hungry for him as she whimpered and tugged on his hair in an effort to pull him closer.

Finally aware of their surroundings, they reluctantly pulled apart, resting their foreheads together to catch their breaths. Ted, as usual, was oblivious to his parents' horny antics.

Ana escorted Christian to the door and gave him one more passionate kiss. "Have a good day at the office dear," she said, playfully swatting his ass, taking him by surprise.

"Oh it will be now," Christian promised her, a huge, relieved grin plastered on his face.

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