Pent-Up Energy

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He grabbed her body to hold her close to him and she didn't protest. "Christian," she moaned in between his frenzied, wet kisses. "I love you. I need you," she said, lifting his hand to her breast while unclasping her nursing bra.

He understood immediately. Ana was still a little uncomfortable with the idea of Christian breastfeeding — she viewed it as a social taboo, though he had no such qualms about it. He didn't particularly care for the taste of breast milk one way or another, but he craved the intimacy that the act itself represented. It was a nurturing connection he shared with his wife, one he could add to the pile of ways he could be close to her.

He ripped off his clothes in record time and covered her with his muscularly toned body, desperate for the reassurance of her forgiveness. "Ana," he groaned as his tongue slowly swept down her neck to her breasts. Removing the remnant of her bra, he tenderly massaged her swollen mound and began to suckle.

"Christian," she shrieked, electric currents pulsating through her body. His other hand snaked down her belly with ghost-like touches and began to rub her clit. Fuck, she was drenched, he thought. Seven more days, seven more days and he could bury himself inside of her again, he kept reminding himself.

As he moved to the other breast, she glanced down and could see the stress that had been radiating off him fade away — a look of pure ecstasy washing over his face.

"Please," she begged, yanking on the back of his head.

"Shhh baby. I'll take care of you. I've got you," he soothed.

She began to grind against his hand. Fuck he was about to explode and had to find some relief fast. He kissed her belly before making his way down to lick her and latch onto that tight little nub to push her over the edge. Shit she tasted good. He reached down to stroke his throbbing erection, unable to take it any more.

When Ana looked down to see Christian pleasuring both himself and herself she fell over the precipice. "Christian," she screamed as her body writhed uncontrollably, hanging onto his hair for dear life.

"Fuck Ana, let it go for me," he roared back, sucking and swallowing all he could while his own body jerked and convulsed relentlessly.

Finally sated, he let out a contented sigh as he crawled his way back up to kiss her. His hands framing either side of her face, he just looked down at his wife with wonder.

"Thank you baby. I love you, more than you could ever possibly know."

"Oh I think I have a pretty good idea Mr. Grey," she chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose. He laughed, flipping onto his back and curling her up against him.

"See, you were worried about my energy levels, but you'd be surprised by the amount of energy I have left over for you," she teased him, wanting to erase the memory of their gut-wrenching argument.

"Yes you're right — you definitely have more energy than I give you credit for. Now why don't you use some of that energy to finally get ready for work? And have a good day at the office dear," he said, giving her a light smack on the ass.

Ana just shook her head at the mercurial whipsaw in front of her. He put her through one hell of an emotional roller coaster, but it was a ride she never regretted taking.

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