Party pt1

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Dean woke up and looked at the clock.2:54. Dean looked at cas and smiled. Cas turned and looked at Dean." What time is it?" Cas muttered." Six minutes til schools out and about 10 minutes till Charlie gets here. So about sixteen minutes until we have to be dressed and have everything cleaned up." Dean said." You can it math, it's a miracle." Cas smiled and kissed Dean before he got up, grabbed his pair of boxers from the night stand putting them on and found the clothes Charlie stole hanging up. He grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt, putting them on." Why does she take our clothes. I thought I lost this shirt." Cas said. Dean laughed." She's weird like that." Dean got up and put on a pair of boxers before putting his arms around Cas's waist." I be back." Cas turned and kissed him before walking into the bathroom and unplugging the drain so the water went down. Cas grabbed his phone, his glasses,putting them on, and deans things before he walked back into the room to a fully dressed Dean. Dean grabbed his phone from Cas and winked." Wouldn't want you to delete this beautiful picture." Dean laughed and showed Cas the picture of him in the bathtub." Don't send that to anyone." Cas warned." Hey I took it for me and to make fun of you in the future." Dean laughed then they heard the front door being unlocked. They walked out of the room to see the group walk in and looked at them." And what did you guys do while we were learning like good people we are." Charlie put her hands on her hips." Cas is about to graduate college he doesn't need school and I didn't want to go." Dean said as they walked into the kitchen. Cas looked at Gabe then at sam." What did you do to Sam Gabe?" Cas asked, a bagel in the toaster." I didn't do anything." Gabe said while his eyes were saying not to talk about it." Okay." Cas shrugged as the toaster popped. He handed half the bagel to Dean with cream cheese on it and took a bite of the other half. Charlie clasped her hands together." Who's ready for the party in a few hours.?" She said.

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