Trouble in Paradise

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Kaylee's POV

I wake up to Austin's arms wrapped around me. He's still asleep and he looks so cute. I slowly get up as to not wake him. He groans a little and then flips onto his side. I cover him up gently and head downstairs.

"Hey Kaylee. You look beautiful this morning." Ryan says as I come into the living room.

"Oh you think so?" I say because I didn't believe it. I had my hair into a messy bun and was wearing Austin's T-shirt and some shorts. I definitely didn't look beautiful.

"Yes I do," he says with a wink. "Come here, I need to ask you something."

"Okay." I say as I sit down I the couch next to him. I was afraid of his question.

"Do you love Austin? I mean really love? Because I could give you anything and everything you could ask for. You deserve so much better than that player. What do you say?" He asks as I hear footsteps coming into the living room and at that moment Ryan pulls me onto him, pressing our lips together so ferociously that it hurt.

That next moment someone helps me off of him since he had my arms locked. It was Austin. He picks Ryan up off the couch and punches him in the face three times. "Austin it wasn't what you-"

"Save it Kaylee." Austin snaps as he walks to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I ask. "You know i didn't kiss him right? You know I'd never do that to you right!?" I yell.

"Kaylee, I knew from the start you were using me for my money! You never loved me! You're just like every other girl I've dated! You girls never love me for being Austin Mahone, the seventeen year old boy from Texas! You only love the money and fame and I'm done. We're over Kaylee." He says as he climbs into his car and speeds away.

I was abandoned. I was abandoned by my brothers, my parents, and now the love of my life. I didn't notice I was crying until my knees hit the concrete of my driveway. I can't stand this anymore. I begin to run, not exactly sure where to but I end up at the tower. The tower is a place where you can go 20 stories up as just look at our little town. It's the place where I go to reflect. Today it was closed so I just sat on a bench underneath it and cried.

"Are you okay?" I hear a deep voice ask.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just a bad day." I say as I look up to see a familiar face looking back at me. The guy sits next to me. He has short brown hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is lightly tanned and he has a deep British accent. "Wait, are you Liam Payne?" I ask in a whisper.

"Yeah, I am," he replies in a whisper to make fun of me.

"Prove it, sing to me."

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile. You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I'll love then endlessly." He sings beautifully.

"Oh my god it is you!" I say excitedly.

Alex's POV

Where's Kaylee? I am freaking out. Austin came home about an hour ago. He told us everything that happened. He's now in Kaylee's room sulking and regretting everything. He's a dumbass. He has this amazing girl and he goes and screws it up. I'm so worried about Kaylee. What if she's hurt? What if she's crying somewhere.

I guess all we can do is wait.

-hey Al, it's Kaylee. I left my phone at home. But I just want to say I'm okay. Tell Meagan but don't tell Austin, I want him to worry. I love you and ill be home later.-

Who's phone was she texting off of? Ugh, why can't I know everything.

Kaylee's POV

*one hour earlier*

"We live just around the corner. How about you tell me what happened on our way there and then you can meet the boys?" He says with a sincere smile.

So on our way there I tell him everything beginning with my parents. I ask him why they were here and he said they had a five month publicity break before their next tour. "So how long have you been here?" I ask.

"For about a month." He says as he ushers to a nice little house. "This is our humble abode. Let me first warn them we have company. You know how they get." I laugh cause I know a lot about them.

Liam walks in, comes back out and leads me into the cute little house. Niall and Zayn were playing Xbox, Louis was talking on the phone, and Harry was sitting on the computer. "Guys, this is Kaylee. Kaylee this is Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis. She's here because she had a bad day and I wanted to cheer her up." He says.

"Well in that case, GROUP HUGGG!" Louis yells as he drops his phone into his chair. At that they all run and pile into a massive group hug around me. I giggle and realize that I don't need Austin to be happy.

"So what was the reason for your bad day?" Zayn asks as he is the last out of the group hug. He is wearing a simple black v-neck with complimentary dark denim skinny jeans. His hair is in its perfect quiff and his brown eyes are sparkling.

"Oh, you know. Boyfriend stuff." I say insecurely. I was still in Austin's t shirt and shorts with my hair in a bigger mess than it was this morning and no makeup on at all. I looked like a tornado hit me and that's now how I thought I'd look when meeting One Direction. I look over to Harry and he look sort of confused and upset. So I retell the story I had already told Liam.

"He doesn't deserve you Kaylee." I hear Niall say with his deep Irish accent showing itself. "If he doesn't believe that you didn't kiss his scumbag of a friend then you shouldn't be wasting your time yet alone your love on him." He was right. If Austin didn't believe me then screw him.

We spent the next few hors dancing horribly, playing video games, eating, and watching movies. We started the movie around 9:00. It was Mean Girls and I could recite almost every line of that movie which Louis that was awesome. I got to the Glen CoCo part and passed out.

Harry's POV

Haha. This girl is with One Direction and she falls asleep. She does look pretty cute curled up next to Niall though. "Hey guys, I'm gonna take Kaylee home. She's had a long day." I tell the boys.

"Awh Haz. You think Kaylee is puuuuuuurty." Louis says with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up Lou." I say as I pick up Kaylee. "She just needs someone to look out for her and I'm gonna be that person."

"But Harry, you're going to have to leave her in four months. And how do you know that she will want you to be that person?" Liam states.

"I just know." I say. "I gotta go. I'll be right back." I leave and I knew exactly where I was going. Liam had the directions to Kaylee's house just in case she did fall asleep. I get to Kaylee's house and effortlessly pick her up out of the passengers seat. I walk up to her front door and knock. A few moments later a tall guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes answers the door. His eyes wee puffy and his face was red almost as if he was crying.

"Hello, I'm Harry Styles and I'm here to brig Kaylee home."


Long chapter omg.

Guys please comment. I need feedback!

I love you all if you comment.... I already love you but please? (((:

Say Somethin (an Austin Mahone/ One Direction fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang