Big News

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Kaylee's POV

*one month later*

To recap the last month, the guys moved in and life couldn't be better. Of course, that is, if I could get over Harry. His beautiful green eyes that stare into my soul, his muscular torso I can feel when he hugs me, and that smirk just drive me crazy.

That night I asked them to move in was the first night I thought Harry actually loved me like a boyfriend would love a girlfriend. That was not the last time he's stopped me from crying either. But let's not get into that.

We had been spotted by paparazzi a couple times. The boys refuse to release my name so they call me Dimp to the press. We say that I'm an old friend of Zayns. It works for now.

Oh yeah, Meagan is back from tour too. We've hung out a couple times, but I haven't told her that the boys moved in and I don't think I will. I forgave her for leaving but I'm still hurt.. And ever since she got home she's been telling me to work stuff out with Austin. No. Ain't gonna happen.

"Hey ShortStuff! You gonna get out of bed someday today!?" I hear the Irish one yell. Don't you love the way I get woken up around here?

I walk into Niall and Liam's room and say, "hey Blondie, have you ever heard of being quiet?" I say as I throw a pillow at him. I run down the stairs into the living room and hear loud footsteps behind me. Then I get tackled into the couch.

"You think you can just side swipe me with a pillow and think I'm not gonna get you back?" He says with smirk. He pins me to the couch, holds both my hands with one of his and raises his other one.

"Now Kaylee, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way being you say 'Niall is the most sexiest beast evur'.."

"Never!" I say with a smile.

"The hard way it is!" He yells as he begins to tickle me. I squirm ferociously trying to break his grip but then I hear someone coming up from the basement.

"Hey look, it's curly!" I say as I pint to Harry. Niall looks and I push him off and run behind Harry. "Harry help, he's trying to kill me!" I say as I rest my hands on his muscular shoulders. Oh god does he make my heartbeat quicken.

"I'll save you, Dimp!" He says as he stands like super man. They fake fight for a while and then Harry "slays" Niall.

"Oh Harry, you're my hero." I say as go in to kiss his cheek but instead he turns his head. Our lips smash together but it was perfect. What was actually about 3 seconds felt like a lifetime. The butterflies I my stomach were released and I could feel my cheeks turning rosy pink.

Our lips pull apart and I open my eyes to a smirking Harry. "Dimp I-" he begins to say but I run upstairs into Liam and Niall's room and slam the door.

"What was that all about?" I jump at the sound of Liam's voice. I slide down the door and smile like an idiot. "What happened Kay?"

"Harry and I kissed. It was so perfect. Even better than I ever thought it would be."

"Wait, you like Harry? I always thought you had a thing for Niall." Crap, this isn't Zayn you're talking to Kaylee!

"Yeah, I like Harry. Wait no, I don't like him. I love him more than anything. I just don't have the courage to tell him."

Harry's POV

Oh my god. Oh my god. I just kissed Kaylee. I run up the stairs behind her but stop at Liam's door. I hear Kaylee talking. "Yeah, I like Harry. Wait no, I don't like him. I love him more than anything. I just don't have the courage to tell him." This is perfect.

I set everything up. I talk to Niall. I got this!

*3hours later*

Kaylee's POV

I wish Zayn were here. He would help me figure out all the stuff going through my head. Like why'd he turn his head? What was he going to say? Is everything going to be okay? Does Harry hate me?

I've been in my room all day. I can't face Harry. I hear a knock on my door.

"Leave me alone," I say.

"Shortie, it's me. Let me in." I hear Niall's muffled voice say. I go over to open the door and once I do I get pulled out and my door barricaded by an Irishman.

"Go downstairs and walk out the front door. Trust me." He reassures me.

I make my way downstairs. I open my front door and walk down my front steps. I turn the corner and see Harry standing in a white button up dress shirt with dark denim jeans. He is holding a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.

"Wh-what's going on?" I ask. He begins to walk towards me.

"You see, I have this beautiful best friend," he begins as he points at me. "I have had feelings for her since the first time I saw her. She had her hair in a mess and her make up all out of order but she still was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. But I had a girlfriend and she had just gotten out of a relationship so I couldn't tell her how I felt. Now it's three months later. She has gotten over that asshole ex boyfriend and I have been long done with that girlfriend. Today we kissed. It was the best thing that has happened to me. And I was wondering", he is two inches from my face now, "if she would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He hands me the flowers.

I begin to cry in joy and nod my head. He takes my face in his hand and softly pecks his lips against mine.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he says as he wraps me in his arms. "Oh, and here's this. It's just something for you to have for when I'm on tour." He says as he hands me the piece of paper. All it had on it was in capital letters "I LOVE YOU, DIMP. -Curly" but I loved it.

"Thank you so much," I say because I'll need this.. They leave In a month. I'll make this the best month ever.

We walk back into the house, our hands entwined perfectly. All four boys were in the living room and yelled, "congratulations!" My face lit up with happiness. Louis and Zayn had been gone for a couple days and seeing their faces just made this moment better.

We spent all night with the boys. Harry had tweeted that we started dating. Of course girls were seeing hateful things but they didn't make any sense. They had no clue whoa I looked like yet they said I was ugly. I might as well get used to it aye?

Around 2 am we head up to my room.

"Harry can you sing to me?" I ask while we cuddle.

He begins to sing Irresistible, "don't try to make me stay or ask if I'm okay. I don't have the answer. Don't make me stay the night or ask if I'm alright. I don't have the answer." I begin to fall asleep before asking.

"Why did you choose me?"

"Because you're perfect." He replies. That's all I remember before I fall into the best sleep I've had since it was Austin here with me.


I hope you guys like! The next chapter or two will most likely be fillers. :/ stay with me though!



Feedback needed. Do you guys like? (:

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