Chapter 4

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After a month of unpacking boxes and sleeping at my aunt's, I finally got to move into the new house. It would just be Toby and me for the first week, Mom has to go on a business trip.

I'm pretty sure Toby's band is coming in late tonight, so we're staying up to greet them.


We pulled into the mammoth property. Toby unlocked the doors and turned to me.

"I'm dropping you off. I'll be back in a few hours. Mom wanted me to get groceries and pick up a present she got you." My eyes brightened at the mention of a present.

"What is it? What did she get me?" Toby chuckled at my eagerness.

"Sorry Bellsie, I don't even know." I studied his eyes to see he was telling the truth.

"Fine." I hopped out of the car and walked to the door. Toby pulled out of the driveway as I unlocked it. I waved a goodbye and pushed the door open.

After locking the door behind me I strolled into the ballroom. That's right; we have a ballroom. I connected my phone to the speakers and blasted a random playlist. Echo by Trevor Moran came through, and I smirked.

I slipped my shoes off and began doing the number I learned less than a year ago.

I was in the middle of an arabesque when I heard a noise from upstairs. I ignored it and continued from where the song now was. I completed a front flip landing in a spilt when a clapping came from the stairs.

"I've said it, but I didn't really mean it. So I'm gonna say it again. Nice moves Cupcake." I quickly stood and stopped the music.

"How did you get in here? The doors are locked!" The most attractive snort I've ever seen came from my neighbor.

"I can open your window if you don't lock it. And you didn't." I glared at the strangely attractive boy in front of me.

"Well go back to your own house Pretty Boy."

"I'd tell you to learn my real name, but I'm liking this nickname Cupcake." I smirked knowing an amazing response.

"And I'd tell you to learn my real name, but I'd rather neuter you." His eyes widened at the burst of aggression. I took the moment of vulnerability to push him up the stairs and into my room. Seconds later he crawled into his own house and I closed and locked my windows, pulling the curtains closed in front of them.


Toby's car pulled into the driveway. I met him there in black jean shorts, a white tee, and a long black hole-y sweater.

He hugged me before walking around to the backseat. After pulling open the door, he pulled one of two large moving boxes from the car. They were full.

"Grab the other one and meet me inside. I want to see what you got." I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the other box from the car. I shut the door with my foot and followed Toby into the house.

We set the boxes on the table in the kitchen. It may be strange, but the kitchen isn't made for a staff, it's made for a family. Sure it's huge, but it still has a breakfast bar made for homework.

Toby grabbed a knife and began to cut the tape on one of the boxes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP!" He stopped in his tracks.

"What? Why am I stopping?" I rolled my eyes.

"The boxes are for me. Not you, me. I want to open them." Toby chuckled and handed me the knife. I swiftly cut he tape open on my box and pulled the flaps away. A note was written on an index card. I lifted the card and read it out loud.

"I didn't know which box you'd open first, so there's an exact copy of this note in the other box. As for what's in the boxes, it's a special present just for my baby girl. Love mom." I quickly removed the layer of tissue paper to find folded up pieces of clothes. After pulling a few things out I noticed a trend. I opened the other box and flicked the note and tissue paper aside, pulling out more clothes that followed the same trend.

"What is it?" I held up a leather jacket as the start of my response.

"Mom got me a new look. An edgier look than this." I gestured to the clothes I was currently wearing. I quickly refilled the boxes and brought them up to me room, one on top of the other. I set them next to my dresser and decided to deal with it later.


"MAIZY-DAISY!" I tackled my brother two-point-no (don't ask) with a hug. I gave hugs to the others as they came out of the car, nearly strangling Noel.

"Don't I get a hug?" I rolled my eyes at my brother.

"You already got your hug." I took a quick glance up and saw my neighbor's head slip back into his room. I ignored it and continued to usher my second family into the house.

Hours later we all sat in my room talking, laughing, having fun. I sat on my bed with Mr. Snuggle-Wuggle-Bear in my lap and Mason right next to me. Sissy sat in my desk chair and Toby was in my beanbag next to her. Noel and Cameron, well, they managed to make a fort that no one is allowed in and are peeking out through the door, and I'm the little kid.

I was in the middle of a sentence when music began blasting from the room next door. I checked my phone to see what time it was, 11:30 at night. I made a "one sec" gesture to everyone before leaning out my open window and knocking on my neighbor's.

"What?" he asked in a clipped tone.

"Could you please turn your music down? I'm talking with friends." I said in the politest tone I could manage.

"How about no?" He turned away from the window.

I leaned further out the window so the jerk could hear me better.

"I asked you to turn the music down!" He stared back at me defiantly.

"And I said no!" He turned the music up as he walked away from the windows.

"Turn that music down or I'll come over there and pummel you!"

"I dare you." In complete anger I crawled the two-story-high gap between our windows. I flicked the music off before glaring at the boy in front of me. "Still gonna pummel me?" he smirked with his words.

I took a step closer, putting our lips a mere inch apart.

"I would, but I could never hurt such a pretty face." He put a hand on my hip, pulling our bodies closer together.

"Really?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Jk." I pulled back just enough to throw my fist across his face. I hit him just below the temple. I swiftly crawled back into my own room, leaving him hunched over, clutching his cheekbone.

"So who wants pizza?"

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