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I woke up with a pounding headache. What  the fuck did I do? I didn't drink any alcohol. Did I? I sat up and starting to massage my head trying to ease he pain.

"Your finally up baby girl." A soft voice said. My head snapped up and there he stood in all his naked glory the man from the parking lot. I blushed and turned away. Did we have sex? I don't feel any pain so I guess not and I'm wearing the same thing from last night so I'm gonna go on a whim and say we didn't. I looked around the room trying to avoid his gaze. I heard draws opening and closing so I assume he was getting dressed.

"Umm.. What's your name?" I asked realizing I still have yet to know his name. I mean I can't keep calling him guy from the parking lot forever.

"Jack baby girl." He said.

As I was about to introduce myself he quickly added.

"And your Hiedi. Don't worry baby girl I know everything about you." He said almost proudly.

What the fuck? Okayy.. Red flag. Gotta jet.

"Umm. Okay well I gotta go. Nice meeting you and everything but I really do have to go. I have work." I lied. I don't work. The money I get from the club is more than enough to support me and Keke so there's no need.

I got up and was heading for the door when he stopped me.

"You aren't going anywhere baby girl."


to be continued...

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