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"You're not going anywhere baby girl."



I looked at the striking man before me.

"What the fuck does that mean?" before I can stop myself the words tumble through my mouth before my brain can even comprehend.

"That means baby girl. You're mine. Forever." His green eyes piercing through mine.

"The fuck I'm not!!" Again. Its like word vomit.

His already tight hold just tightens.

"You're mine and nobody in the world can change that. I know everything about you. We are made for eachother. We are soulmates." He screamed in my ear making me momentarily deaf.

"Are you fucking insane? Is your brain confuffled or some shit? You need to drink an assload of fucking reality because we are nothing!!" I screamed back in his face. Looks like third time's the charm. Not.

Before I can process what's happening I felt like I was flying then landed on a cloud.

Am I in heaven?

That thought went as quick as it came when I saw him hovering above me.

Nope. I'm in hell with this idiot. Great.

I snapped back to reality when I felt him throw my dress off.


My first day in hell and I'm gonna get raped?!

He then starts groping me up when I realise that there are no flames surrounding us and no creepy dead souls. I turned my head to the side and take note that we're still in his room but now on his bed.

So I'm not in hell?


My yay was short lived when I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.

I felt as if my world was coming to a void. Jack was above me, thrusting so hard that I started to bleed immediately. His grunts so loud and animalistic. I feel the tears from my eyes descend to the sides of my cheeks. I just laid there not knowing how to stop this. I couldn't even scream because the pain was so unbearable so I suffered in silence.

I don't know how long it continued for I zoned out for most of it. Suddenly I felt cold and started to shiver. It was finally over. He got up and I just continued to lay there. I didn't want to move. My heart and my mentality has been shattered. I've lost something I would never get back.

I felt the soft duvet conceal my body and I closed my eyes. I needed to escape this. I needed time to heal. I've been rapped by a physcopath and I'm wrapped in his sheets, laying in my own blood.

I was drifting to sleep. Hoping to just die. I want to die. The last thing that flashes through my mind is 'did he use a condom'.


Sorry guys. I didn't feel all that to write a sex scene because this was something vile and the act itself should be something people who care for each other should share.

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