Chapter 1

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UHGG can they just stop following me the sam 2 from SHEILD guy with a bow and a red head. Finally I stopped jumping roofs and turned around to talk to them, 'You know you guys aren't very quiet for master assassins'. They stopped in their tracks and looked at me. 'and why does SHIELD want me anyways?' They didn't say a word so I just started walking towards them and they start to pull out their weapons.'Whoa guys i'm not going to hurt you' and kept walking towards them. But of coarse they didn't believe me and so I said by and jumped off the roof. Running farther and farther away....

Natasha's pov

'God dammit Clint we almost had her' 'me what did I do you are the one wearing heels' when has that ever affected us?? We have to get back to base come on.

'What do you mean you didn't catch her' Fury said. 'She heard us sir' ' I send out the 2 greatest assassins and they don't catch her what do I need to do send out the avengers!?' he said and then kept on going ' actually that's a good idea tell the rest i will have a folder in their rooms by tonight.'

The next day

Alex's pov

I was going through the Wendy's drive through and I see black suv's and the can only mean 1 thing. SHEILD. I get in the glove compartment take out the sunglasses and scarf that I keep for emergencies and the cars started to pull forward and Agent redhead and Agent I'm a copycat started to look through the car windows probably looking for me. The finally got to my car window and knocked on the window since this car -that i may or may not have stolen- has extremely tinted windows. I rolled down the window as the cars started to pull forward and I got my food and they started to talk to me and asking questions. I finished my food - it was only a small fri and drink- and they ask one last question ' Have you seen this girl' and they hold up a picture of me' Yes i have actually ' I said and ' I will tell you where in a minute because I think people want their food' referring to all the screaming people and I parked my car and got out. 'yes I have seen her' i took off the sunglasses and scarf 'do I look familiar ?

The Girl On the Run(Avengers f.f.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora