Two Bitches and Ice Cream

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So it's been a week. A week of explaining to the extremely quiet Echo about the most basic things in life. I've told her plenty of times that ice cream is not meant to be on any other part of her body other than her ding dang mouth,but every single time I treat her to a cone of Vanilla Bannanila,she literally scoops a bit of ice cream and spreads it over her face and arms. She does this on purpose which is absolute madness. And she's doing it again,right now.

"But." Her innocent,blue eyes bore into mine,I clench my jaw,fighting with every manly part of my body to NOT SQUEAL.

Do you know how strong I have to stay to fight her adorableness? She has opened up more,but she's still really quiet. Sometimes too quiet and just staring, discomfort and awkardness two words very clear in mind.


She's a lot more stubborn than I had expected,more experimental than I assumed. During school,she has her arms raised 80% of every class,some teachers are starting to hate her and the class doesn't like her too much either. This obviously can't be a prank anymore as it's been this long already. There are the whispers tho,whispers that people love to assume we don't hear. Or maybe they want us to hear it, trying to provoke us. It doesn't bother me,I'm used to the whispers,but Echo will always look up at me with those big blue eyes,she doesn't quite understand what they're saying,but she knows it's not good.

Echo finally licks off the ice cream from her arm and lets me wipe the yellow-streaked-white liquid from her cheeks. Thank god,I haven't seen my dad or Gamma ever since that wreck of a late evening. 

"Those two women are kissing. Is that allowed?"

I look to where she's staring. They're girls I know,because they're from our school. New transfer students who became instantly popular because of they're Arab beauty. They're not twins but best friends,and they're supposed to be dating some dudes from the quarterback. I grab out my phone as Echo watches me carefully. A few taps and a click,



They turned towards us,bodies still lovingly tangled together. They get up and walk towards us,eyes like vultures and movements in sync. Echo grabs my arm as we both stare at our death sentence back with both rebel and fear.

"Delete that pic" The one on the left says,flipping her hair the process.

"Now." The one on the right continues.

We're screwed,we're so screwed. I feel Echo's grip tighten.

"I have all the right not to delete that photo." My sass rules me sometimes,and yet I don't even try to stop it.

"You slime." Left accuses.

"I heard you killed a teacher." Right.

"And then the next day,you bring this whore into the school as your bitch." Left points at Echo and she frowns.

Right leans in and whispers,"I find that kinda hot,you badass"

I feel my eyebrow rise and her attempt to seduce me rise along,on the fail meter. She sees my raised eyebrow as a sign of interest and presses her forehead on mine. My eyes are forced to stare into hers,which are weirdly brown and grey at the same time. 

Her mouth opens and my nose drowns in the smell of sweet bubblegum.

"I can give you more than that tiny thing you've got there."

My eyes harden and she smiles, not even a little bit scared. Then she gets pulled back,and my view is cleared off a bitch and all I see if Left standing at the side with wide eyes and Echo staring dead set into the eyes of Right. She whispers something to her, and Right laughs which makes Echo grin.

I'm so confused.

"You're cute" Right pats Echo's head and she flinches. Right turns to me,

"She said you'll buy us ice cream,any ice cream we want,as long as we leave you alone."

I look at Echo, she's staring at the floor. My question is,what did she say to Left?

"*sigh* Sure,but you better keep to that promise that you will leave us alone." I raise my left eyebrow once again and they roll their eyebrows in unison.

I just hope I have enough money. They both ordered double scoops of Mocha Pumpkin Delight which pretty much emptied half of my wallet. We sat back down on the table that me and Echo occupied,one of the many pastel colored tables with it's white chairs. Cappy Loue is a second local favorite for ice creams. The furniture are all pastel and it floods out to the outside where a big tent covers the seating area. The shop's indoors are all black with  spotlights shining down on the tables and the counter. It sounds amazing but ICP(basically Ice Cream Parlor) is waay more amazing and waay more crowded. ICP has bean bags shaped like melted ice cream and scratch-and-smell walls that emit the aroma of sweet chocolate and caramel. It's basically more neon,more bright,bigger,livelier than Cappy Loue.

I'm pretty amazed by how well Echo is getting along with the two girls. By listening to their conversation about me,apparently,they mentioned their names. Left is Alia and Right is Yadira.They laugh when Echo tells them about my "interesting " furniture. 

Gosh, this girl.I don't even want to stop her,which is weird.

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