Chapter Two

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Picture on the side is of Cody Christian, character inspiration for the adorable Ethan. Cute, isn't he?

This chapter is kinda sad one, but I had to get it over with. I hope you'll understand why I had to do that. Thanks for reading!

Chapter edited by crystaltmlinson

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Chapter Two

It was a feeling similar to that of waking up after a good night's sleep, and yet, so different. The darkness behind my eyelids was peaceful and comforting, and the dreams dubiously real. But opening my eyes only brought me a luminescence of uncertainty.

My body felt rested, but my mind was where the chaos was happening. I could bet that opening my eyelids had never felt so arduous as it did in that moment. Even the dim light of the room pricked my eyes just as the radiant rays of sun would. With squinting eyes, I looked around the blurry image of the room before my eyes landed on a clean glass window, displaying the blue sky with a tint of yellow. 'It must be afternoon.' My first conscious thought since waking up brought many others with it. Only then did I become aware of the unmistakable smell of a hospital. A glance around the room with eyes that could espy a sharper image of everything now confirmed my suspicion. The dull walls of the room, the IV stands, the monitors, and the enervated feeling of the room were daunting.

I tried to speak but no sound ever came. The dryness of my throat had me wanting to raise my hand to sooth it, but I couldn't. My eyes travelled down to my arms and were met with the disconcerting sight of thin wires disappearing under my shirt and plastic tubes injected into the back of my hands. Just as I was about to rip the tubes out, a familiarly strange face came into my view, his hand resting on my cheek and his eyes gleaming with tears of what could only be perceived as relief.

"Raelyn? Oh, Raelyn! You're awake!" a broken voice that sounded just as anxious as it was relieved filled the silence of the room. Blue eyes searched my face for something, though I couldn't understand what.

Alarmed by the boy's close proximity, I pushed his hand away. 'Who are you?' I wanted to ask, but my seemingly lost voice handicapped me. The pain and relief in his eyes were replaced by confusion as he looked down at me. He was about to speak again when the creak of the door interrupted him. A few moments later, a stout man dressed in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck entered my line of vision, followed by a few other people whose faces I couldn't see.

The man's first question to me was in absolute character with his profession. "How are you feeling now, Ms. White?" the doctor asked, standing next to my bed and giving me a polite smile.

Something about the sight of the doctor and the nurse, who was checking the various monitors attached to my body, calmed the panic inside my head, helping me not to wrench the tubes out of my body and make a run for the door.

I fisted the white sheets as I met Dr. Mitchell's gaze--at least, that was his name according to the identity card attached to his coat pocket. 

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