Clopwyck River (Book One)

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Author: ya_yarnspinner


15-year-old Demi-Louise knew that her new life in Clopwyck River wouldn't be easy. Forced to live with her estranged sister and racked with guilt over her mother's death, she is guarded with those she might hurt- and who might hurt her. But she couldn't have predicted the secrets of this seemingly quiet town. Centuries before, the inhabitants of Clopwyck River drowned a pregnant witch and since then those born there are cursed with a power that lies dormant until unleashed by extreme emotion: the Facultas.

Drawn into a life interwoven with magic and excitement, friendship and romance, Demi learns there is a sinister side of the Facultas: when used for evil, pieces of the soul are lost until there is nothing left but madness. She discovers that someone has found a malevolent way of circumventing the risk of losing the soul; death. A human sacrifice will unleash chaos and darkness will descend on the town.

Just as Demi starts to accept her place in her friends' hearts, family secrets are revealed and she battles a life changing truth and a threat against her loved ones. She must come to terms with her hidden past and fight for her family and friends' lives- by any means possible.

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