Hurricane VS Tsunami

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Author: voidherondale


Avianna Lorilyn Hails was your average high school student, save for a few minor details. She listened to music a bit too loud, didn't like to interact with many people (if any), and had witty comebacks to everything, not to mention a sister-like best friend by her side.   The other thing constantly by her side, although more of a burden than her best friend, was a series of burns that reached from her ankle to the bottom of her shoulder in a mass of pink, bumpy and scarred skin.    When she returns to school four months after she had escaped the fire that had permanently flipped her life upside down, she didn't expect to be met with the mystery that was Xavier Barnes.    Xavier was your typical bad boy wanna-be; Leather jacket, cold eyes, killer cheek bones and a permanent scowl etched into his face.    When Avianna, with more sass and sarcasm than almost anyone could handle, and Xavier, a boy that has calculating eyes but no comments, meet, there is sure to be a disaster.    After all, he is a tsunami; the boy greatly resembling the displacement of water in the form of his missing emotion and ultimately destructive behavior.    She is a hurricane; the semi-calm at the center of the destructive force of nature fitting Avianna's calm at times, yet fundamentally sarcastic attitude perfectly.   It will be a showdown; Hurricane vs. Tsunami.

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