Digital... i have no clue

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@mention a userI'm back inside what I think is me. A digital world. Weird. There's no one around for miles. Is this my life from now on. It seems pretty boring here without that girl. She was so pretty. She was special to me. I even asked her to be my girlfriend and she said...yes. I have a purpose to come back now and it's all because of her.



I circle around for awhile and then find myself getting dizzy, so I stop. I look around once again and see someone else. He's taller than me and he's blue. I thought I was different but this guy has past that bar.

Should I walk over to him or just stare. I have no clue. It was so east out there with her by my side and without her I can't seem to do anything. Why is that? Maybe she was the one. If that's true; I should at least make an attempt to return to her. I need her more than ever. Here goes nothing.

I head over to him. He seems just as confused as me. Still, I tap him on the shoulder and watch as he turns and faces me. He looks down and sees me. He taps my head and I feel all the weight start to tip me over. I catch it in my hands and stand back up. After a few moments I look at him and point my finger towards him .He doesn't see it, so I go behind him and use my head for my advantage. It bumps him in his back and knocks him to the ground. He gets startled, turns over, and backs away. What is his problem anyway? I'm not that scary am I or I try not to be. Either way I deserve some answers now before it's too late.

Is Colin really gone?( colin x reader the sequel)Where stories live. Discover now