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He starts to walk away now with no memory of me demanding answers or he doesn't care. He looks over at the screen, so I follow him. He points at it and all the moments he knows about are visible.

My name is Tony the clock I'm the keeper of time and eventually time has end it always does and it always will.

What are we looking at?-Colin
Your memories
I thought they were yours -Colin
I would never think about a girl like this and have her in every memory
How is she? Says Colin
Not well. She's been looking at the screen a lot and talking about you.
How can I see her again
You can't
I think about her all the time
We can't fall in love
We? There's more of us out there
Yes and we can't love them

Just then I feel a sharp prick in My back and I'm unconscious.  It felt like I was stabbed. My computer hits the ground and I hear talking I the back ground and then I'm pushed.

I'm falling, but why can't I speak. Then I hear her, so I try to call out and then something sparks me. It was water. Why did she do that? I remember I was unconscious. How did I come back? All I know is someone pushed me. I wonder where I am and then my eyes focus and I see her room again. I'm back.

Is Colin really gone?( colin x reader the sequel)Where stories live. Discover now