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(My pov)

I've been thinking about Colin for months now and how much I've missed him. The trio keep staring at the computer every time they pass my room and sometimes I look at it too and think about my times with him.

Today is the start of break again. So I put my crop top on and jeans. Then I sit on my bed and place my right hand behind my head and grab my sketchbook out. After a few seconds I breath out and sit up trying to think.

"What to draw," I say.
"How about me," a familiar voice says.

Just then Colin appears from the side of my bed looking all tired. I even see drool in his chin. I then stand up place my sketchbook down and slowly approach Colin. He stands up as well and I see a scar or something red on his side. He falls over in the coming seconds and I catch him. I pick him up as soon as I get my arm around him and go downstairs to the trio.

There in the dining room with another one. It's a clock this time talking about time. Weird. I burst the door wide open when I see red in one of its hands.

"What did you do," I ask,
"Nice to meet you too and I'm Tony by the way,"  he says.
"I saw you," Colin says before he falls in my arms.
"Sorry friend but I had to knock you out somehow," he says.
"Knock him out," I ask.
"He kept talking about real world and you," he says
"He did," I ask.
"Way too much time wasted," he says

I then give him this look and then he points at my sketch pad in my hand. He tries to grab it, but I hold it back. Then the trio explains how everything here is a person from there world. Then they mention a name and I kind of ignore it and give them the book. They look at the sketches and point at one in particular. The girl with rainbow hair and pencil in hand.

"When did you draw her," he asks seeming all worried.
" this morning," I say confused.
"Oh no," he says, " she went missing this morning before I woke and I wondered and now."

What does he mean? Then the room falls silent, so I go back to Colin. I look at the scar and it's healed. That's weird and then he wakes. He seems confused and wondered how he got here and then he sees tony. It explains it all in time. He wonders around the house and then back at the book. The trio looks at the drawing and it's not there anymore like it wasn't even drawn. Then she appears with her pencil looking perfect and I'm kind of proud but also scared.

Her name is Paige.

Is Colin really gone?( colin x reader the sequel)Where stories live. Discover now