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Drakes POV

Damn, what's taking her so long? She's been in there for like 20 minutes now. Jaden and kim have even fallen asleep. This shit is pissing me off. I got out of the car and made sure I locked the doors due to the fact that I had two kids sleeping they ass off in my car. They better not drool on my car seats. I walked to the building I saw Diany go into and made my way in. As I walked in I heard sobbing. I looked and saw Diany crying on the steps. Damn I hope her Grandma okay. I made my way to the steps and sat down right next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"My Grandma." Was her only reply.

"What's wrong with her?"

"My dad use to pay the place for her he stopped paying and because she couldn't pay the house they kicked her out."

Damn her dad was cold. I couldn't imagine doing something like that to my mom and I would beat up or kill anybody who even thought about doing it. "I'm sorry."


"Uhm... Where is she now?"

"I don't know."

"You don't have any relatives?"


Damn I wonder what's her next move. I was about to tell her if she has a friend that she could go stay with. Then I remembered at school she use to hang out with this girl named Trina, people say they were cousins. That was the only person she hung out with. About three weeks ago... I think... Trina moved. Ever since then she's been by herself at school. She didn't even make an effort on making new friends. "Come on. Let's go."

Diany's POV

"Come on. Lets go." Drake said suddenly. I didn't bother asking any questions, I just listened. We climbed into the car and buckled our seatbelts. I looked behind me and saw Jaden and Kim sleeping. Seeing them so peaceful made me calm down a bit. About 20 minutes later we arrived at a medium sized two story house. It was white on the outside and with a big lawn. Drake got out of the car and I followed him. He opened the back doors to his car and picked a sleeping Jaden up. I tried to pick up Kim but my body hurt so much. I groaned a couple of times. Man I can't wait until these bruises go away. I heard chuckling in the background and turned around to see Drake laughing at me in pain.

"Here, lemme have her." Drake picked Kim off of my shoulder and started walking toward the door. He unlocked it and I walked in he told me to wait for him and went upstairs. I started to observe the place. He had double L shaped stairs. The furnitures were nice. Black leather couches with a black coffee table and a huge flat screen tv on the wall. The kitchen was beautiful. The cabinets were black. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen floor. It was black with white little dots on it. The walls were all white. I was so busy admiring the place that I didn't know someone was behind me until the deep voice spoke up.

"Like it? My mom designed the place." Drake said proudly.

"Yeah its beautiful, Dray."

"Did you just call me Dray?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing." I saw sadness in his eyes but he still managed to look confused then he started looking at me as if he was studying me or looking for an answer. "Come on, I'm gonna show you your room."

"Wait, I'm staying here?"

"Did I not just say I'm gonna show you up to your room? Obviously that means your staying her." He kind of hissed at me. Whoa! Where did that come from? I said nothing. He lead me up the stairs and opened a door to a room. It had a queen sized bed. It had a brown floral comforter on it with the same patterned pillowcase. With two brown night stands on each side of the bed with a night lamp on one of them. And a mini walk in closet. It looks like a hotel room.

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