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I was dragging my feet behind me. The cold, dark streets were silent, the only sounds heard were my breathing and an owl hooting occasionally... I was in my zone, you see, the darkness is where I belong, I'm not your average good guy... I was the complete opposite, except far worse! I'm m
not a vampire or all those fucking cliche creatures you ind on the tv that hide in darkness and fall in love... I'm still a human, just more insane!

I'm nothing like the kid next door. I'm what your mother fears, they hide their daughters and warns them never to get involved with a type of guy like me. I don't blame them... It just makes the game more interesting...

I slithered into an alley way and leaned against the brick wall. I heard the clicking of heels on the path and peered my head round slightly to see a girl around my age, walking down the street; I held my breath and slipped my hand over her mouth so no noise could escape.

Forgetting my strength, I pushed her up against the brick wall and felt her body shaking. Not sure if it was from the cold or because she was frightened... But I'm going to go with frightened to make the situation more interesting.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" I pouted at her, with an innocent voice on.
"Wandering the streets alone, when it's completely black is dangerous..." I placed my lips up to her ear to whisper to her.
"It's a shame you're pretty." My hot breath lingered against her flesh as I threatened her. Her cheeks were wet with salty water and her eyes were shiny as tears escaped.

I stared at her pathetic weeping with lazy eyes.

"This won't hurt." I told her brushing my hand against her flesh and stroking down her make-up covered cheek.
"MUCH." I added on the end as my pocket knife impelled into her stomach, her eyes widened and I felt her lip quiver against my hand covering it; I twisted the knife and the blade sliced her insides... Blood was pouring out, it wasn't a pretty sight...

She had finally passed out from the pain and I unhooked the knife, allowing her to fall to the floor.

"That's why you shouldn't be out alone." I told her still body, lying there.
"Some people are insane enough to find pleasure in stabbing others..." I pulled the blade of my pocket knife down and shoved it in my pocket again. That's not what I did to get me thrown in jail back in Espoo... No one's ever caught me killing, I leave no trace of evidence. I guess you could say I'm kind of like a second Jack The Ripper!

If you want to know what I did in Espoo, look inside my criminal record...


The chapters will get longer. Most of the time it might be Isac talking to the reader, just to get you guys more involved with the story. Any ideas on what Isac did back in Espoo? What do you think of him?

Thanks for positive feedback. Jeg elsker deg. I love you.

P.s. The girl he killed is not the girl he is very interested in. She will come into the story very shortly.


Cold Blood / Isac ElliotWhere stories live. Discover now