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"Well, you can be my second hand; my soft coo coo when I go to bed."

Frank watched me all afternoon. Or maybe we watched each other? I must have known he was watching me somehow, right?

It's strange because I always knew he existed, he just never quite caught my attention until the other night. He was always there, with his deathhawk and his lip ring, but I never noticed.

He's been on my mind a lot lately, but I still haven't built up the courage to call him. Have you ever developed such petty crushes on people where you imagine every moment of your life with them? You imagine waking up to their face in the mornings and pulling a drag from the same cigarette with them. You imagine them sitting in your lap while you watch a movie. You imagine their face and the way their pupils dilate when they talk to you. Sometimes they're just images, fractions of a frame, but they always seem to stick in the back of your mind.

I caught his gaze for a split moment and felt my stomach turn over. He winked and bit slowly into his lip. I gulped hard and felt the blood rush to my face. He smirked in amusement, biting his thumb through the smirk. I shifted my eyes to the rest of the class to see if anyone was watching and leaned back in my chair, burying my chin into my sternum and crossing my arms in an attempt to disappear through the chair. I smiled sheepishly at Frank, of which he returned. He stood up and walked towards the door leading to the hallway, making sure to brush his leg against mine. I took the invitation and left the room several minutes after he did.

I saw him a few feet down the hall leaning against the wall. I walked over to him, my height almost a sheer foot taller than his. I ran my hand through my hair, my other hand shoved tightly into my sweater pocket. He pushed off of the wall and fingered the collar of my undershirt, snickering under his breath. "You preppy shit, you never called," he teased. I laughed nervously.

"Yeah... I was too nervous I guess," I replied.

He smiled and looked up in my eyes, pinching the tip of my collar in his tatted fingers. "I was worried I scared you off." I averted his gaze and smiled, shaking my head. "Good then." I looked back down at him and ruffled his hair.

"Fuck you, dude. I can't stop thinking about you," I joked. He smiled widely, his eyes lifting into crescents. A slight pink forming in his cheeks.

"That's one way to put it."

"Sorry, I'm a little rough with words."

"I like that."

"You're an asshole for turning me on in class, man."


I laughed and squeezed my temples between my palms. "Goddamnit," I said exasperatedly. I gripped the sides of his face and leaned down, pressing my lips hard against his. I could feel his face warm through his lips and pressed closer to him. He gripped my hair, whining quietly through the kiss. I felt his tongue feel about the inside of my bottom lip, begging for an entrance. I broke the kiss for a split second to breathe in and pushed my tongue aggressively into his mouth, rolling the tip of my tongue over his. His lip ring felt strangely and erotically cold compared to the rest of his mouth and I cupped it with my lips excitedly, wishing for the sensation it brought.  He bit firmly on my bottom lip, sending shivers straight to my dick.  I gasped and ground my hips in him trying to relieve the pressure.

"Uh uh, baby, not yet," he purred.

"Oh my god, it aches...," I whined.  I could feel his lips form a smile and I couldn't help but think in that moment he was a major fucking tease.  I didn't know whether I wanted to hit him or fuck him.

"Shh that's good, that's so good."  He pushed me against the wall and growled lowly under his breathe, killing me with every lull.  He licked over my ear and exhaled hotly down my neck before pulling away.  He looked me in the eyes and palmed his dick through his tight jeans, his chest heaving.

"Oh god...," I cried, wishing to be the one to rub him instead.

"If you want me, you have to call me."

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