Chapter 1: Confined

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Chapter One: Confined

Ariana POV:

Song- The A Team: Ed Sheeran (Let me know if u can think of a song that fits better)

This can't be happening.

Just close your eyes and when you open them up again this will all be over-

"I said get on the ground."


This is actually.



Like, right now.

To me of all people.

I warily glanced at my surroundings. My eyes scanning those caught in the same terrifying reality as I.


There couldn’t be more than ten others.

A few older, some who appeared around my age, and perhaps one younger than I who was seated at a table with a resembling man and woman. They had to be his parents.

But despite our evident differences, there was no doubt in my mind of this.

We were all terrified out of our minds.

So I would say my hands were shaking, but my body was actually paralyzed in the chair, arms glued to the edge of the white draped cloth that lined the rim of the table.

For dear life at that.

My plate of food lay before me, untouched with the exception of a bite of my buttered bread. Just looking at it formed a knot in my stomach. I can honestly say I've never been so afraid in my life, to the point I had already reached in a matter of seconds.

Yep, I'm pretty sure I could actually throw up right now.

No I don't think that would make them too happy, would it?

"Hustle!" The man demanded. I mean I assumed he was a he anyways, concluded from his at least six foot two stature and more importantly his voice.


And most definitely not messing around.

Gosh he scared me.

All of this did. 

. . .

Seeing as I was already seated at the corner table, I moved from my stationary position to the nearest wall.

Convincing my body to listen to my mind and ignore the anxiety that consumed me was the hardest part. Once I had managed to overcome that I was slightly relieved to inch my way down the tan panels. Descending the wall until I was able to pull my knees to my chest tightly in an attempt to make myself as unnoticeable as possible.

I should be safe here, right? The table should shield me if anything were to ever happen. Yes this is a peaceful place.


Man was I wrong.

My heart stopped in my chest when I turned to what were moments earlier a mere peripheral vision. Even through the black mask it was obvious the other individual was looking my way, staring directly back at me to be precise.

He was shorter than the first but somehow more intimating.

So much for hiding in the corner.

Wait I never was good at hide-and-seek anyways.

Why do these things always come back to haunt me?

My thoughts were broken when he bellowed, "You, over there."

I followed his gaze to the right where a young man that was seated by the front door began to stand. Putting his expansive palms up defensively. I quickly understood why.

My stomach caught in my throat when I saw it.

A gun.

Pointed in my direction.

"Go ahead," the mid height, yet brawny man directed.

I could practically feel his amusement while he wavered the gun at me, "Over by her."

My eyes scanned the male's expression with each step. Lips parted in to a half smile when he had passed their line of sight. Though eyes filled with an obvious worry and mutual understanding of the danger we were in. When I caught sight of his disheveled chestnut hair I smiled on the inside. He was without a doubt, thee most handsome guy I have ever seen.

Perhaps even perfect.

The feeling quickly subsided when he took a seat by my side; The object inevitably returning to view.

One that could kill me in the pull of a trigger.

Which a certain extent I no longer had control of my own life anymore.

And what scared me the most?

What I would have to do, just how far I would have to go to keep something I used to take for granted.

The most simplistic part of surviving itself.

My life.

 A/N: Eh....thoughts? I know it's a completely different direction than 'Indecisive'....still not positive if I'm going to make it a full fanfic or maybe just 10 chapters long total (sort of like a long one shot broken into chapters). I guess it just depends on the response it gets. So please comment & let me know if u like it so far, if u think anything should be added to make it better or removed...

I'll post the next chapter once this one gets 5 votes (: xx

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