Chapter 4: Terror

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Ariana POV:

"What's your name?"

I ignored him completely, unable to take my eyes off the object.

"I'm- My name is-"

A sharp sound pierced my ears.

All I could hear was alarms. Each ringing at a different pitch that pierced my ears with every passing second.

My eyes scanned beyond the glass doors, red lights flashing at the trim of the celling directly outside.

A girl across the room began to stand which caught the attention of one of the masked men, "Hey! No one is going anywhere."

He waved the gun at her and she simply stood there frozen before nodding and slowly easing her way back to being seated on the tiled floor.

I glanced outside the wide glass door where people were running by and caught sight of one of the red fire alarms on the wall that was flashing. They had moved everyone in the restaurant away from the door by now.

It was then while my mind was drifting off to other areas of the room when I heard the dreaded sound over the sirens.

I felt pure panic. Not a haunted house that scares you until the point your so overwhelmed with fear your hands start to shake. That was nothing compared to the trembling of my heart in my chest. Nor the nerves which froze my entire body.

"We have to get him to a hospital!" A middle age woman shouted from her crouched position in the floor.

I buried my face into the palm of my hands to hide from the sight.


A palm rested on my back causing me to flinch, but once I heard the voice again I realized it was him, the gorgeous green eyed guy with the dimples that almost gave me a sense of hope.


"It's going to be okay." His movements were slow and soothing.

Did I believe him now?

Hell no.

But I wasn't going to let him know that.

Even if I wanted to my body was too far in shock.

My head sprung up as a phone began to ring.

The room drew dead silent.

"What the hell is that Ed?" One of the men yelled sending a shutter through my body.

Harry moved his arm around my back, resting his hand on my shoulder.

His tall and brawny partner, Ed, pointed to behind the counter.

"Don't answer that."

"What about him?"

"What about him."


"I know that you dimwad."

"Would you shut the fuck up with the names." The third growled under his breath, the shooter, who I learned from there talking was Ed.

"You all are as dumb as shit." He added, ripping the phone off the line his name the only one I did not know.


My heart was thudding out of my chest.

A hand squeezed my shaky one and my eyes wandered down before drifting back up to Harry's. His were staring back into mine reassuringly but I still felt very unsettled.

I listened as he spoke into the phone trying to guess what they were saying on the other end. Probably let the people go for starters.

"No one is going anywhere until we are," He states calmly into the line.

"Hey let me see that," John walks over and takes over the phone.

"Listen up no one comes in, no one tries anything, unless you want anything to happen to these people in here. Got that?" He looks over to his partner who nods in agreement.

"Oh and turn this damn alarm off." He demands.

My fingers skim down across cold hard floor. As cold as these three men's hearts who had the audacity to take an innocent life.

"Hey what about him! He needs help man." A blonde haired guy across the room shouts.

John the shooter waves his gun, "Shut up unless you want to be next." He coldly states.

His partner whispers something to him and then the brawny one Ed walks over. They seem to be in the midst of conversation.

My eyes drift over to the guy next to me as I feel his hand leave the grip of mine to find him looking elsewhere. I follow his gaze to the door where two men stand, his eyes are wide as he waves his hands. The two men are looking our direction.

"Do you know them?" I whisper.

"There my friends I was staying here with," he replies.

I look outside the glass again, not as many people seem to be going by. Most of the people must have been evacuated by now.

The door rattles and everyone in the room shifts there gaze.


It must be locked for all it seemed to do was draw the attention of the men.

John turns his gun to the door and they quickly move to the left along with everyone else walking outside.

"Was that your idea curly? For those guys to come in and let everyone out?"

I gulp deep as I look up to see the brawny man with his eyes piercing in our direction. I feel Harry's hand tense in mine as he slowly pulls it away before opening his mouth to speak but is cut off by another gunshot that echoes through the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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