The Meeting of the Leaders

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Indra comes into Lexa's tent and says. "Commander the clan leaders and the members from the capital are here." Lexa says "I will be right out." Indra turns and walks out of Lexa's quarters. Meanwhile Lexa stands there and remembers the conversation and passionate kiss they shared while waiting to go into battle. She almost starts to cry she pulls herself back together and she walks out of her tent. when she steps out the clan leaders all start talking at once
Lexa raises her had and says. "We are not to join with the sky people."
One I the clan leaders says. "Then why are we here and why did you even invite some of the leaders of the Capitol here to."
Lexa says "I called you are here because Clark had gone into the woods by herself."
One of the clan leaders interrupts "So this I about the sky people they would not look out for us so why should we care If she walks off."
Lexa replies "Why I care is because I love her and I don't want anything to happen to here and the sky people have not seen here since the battle so I just want to know if she found here way to any of your clans."
One of Capitol members stepped forward and with them stepped forward with some one who looked like Clark.
Lexa looked up and nearly broke Into tears and said "Clark is that you?"
The Capitol member said "she just wondered into our camp and asked if this was the Capitol and when I replied that is was she asked if she could stay with us for a while, asked for somewhere to sleep. When she woke up In the morning and we asked how she found us she said nothing."
Lexa approached the lady she thought she was Clark and said.
"Can u come with me to my quarters and can we talk in private."
The lady turned and started to walk away with Lexa and the one clan leader spoke up and said.
"What about us we traveled from far away and you might have your girl so what do we get?" Lexa turned to Indra and said.
"Indra will you make sure they all get a proper fest while I talk to her." Indra says.
"Yes Commander" Lexa and Clark head off to her quarters.

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