The Conversation

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Lexa walks into her tent and turns to Clark and says.
"Clark if that is you please talk to me to you tell to trust someone, love someone. I love you I am sorry I walked away like that but I had to save my people. I had to make the deal." Lexa try's to lean into Clark and give her a kiss and Clark steps to the side. Lexa looks sadden Clark says to Lexa.
"I love you to and I thought we where getting some where when you asked me to come to the Capitol with you after the battle. Also my heart was broken when you made that deal with the mountain men and just left me there. Do you know what I had to do to get my people back. I killed all the people in the mountain every man women and child. I could not take that so I just started walking and I didn't know where I was going I just knew I could not stay with my people after what I did. I was walking for days then I came across this town of people and they where different then your compound. I asked if they where the Capitol and, when they said they where I thought I would be safe there until I figured everything else. Then One day the came into my tent and they said I was coming with them because the commander had summed them I didn't think it was you."
Lexa looks confused at Clark and says "Why would you think it was not me I love you yes I left you at Mt Weather. I am sorry that it took me so long to send out for you it was chaos after the mountain."
Lexa looks at Clark loving and says
"I felt so bad when I left you there my heart nearly broke when Bellamy told me you just walked off. I thought I lost you." Lexa moves closer to Clark but she backs up some and says.
"If you really love me why didn't you come find me sooner?" Lexa replies "you said before the battle you need space and time and where not ready for a relationship I thought that still was true even after the battle. I though you where never going to forgive me for leaving you there." Clark moves closer and says
"I never hated you I was angry at you I knew you where doing what was right for you people. I would have done the same if the opportunity came up. I need you after the battle." Clark begin to cry and say
"I need you there to hold me and they that was just war." Lexa moves closer and wraps her arms around Clark and whispers.
"I am here now and no one is going to hurt you or take you away from me again." Clark looks at Lexa lovingly and begins kissing Lexa at first Lexa hesitated then she started returning the kisses. Lexa looked up and asked.
"Am I moving to fast?"
Clark started kissing Lexa again this time she started taking Lexa's armor off. Lexa started taking Clark's armor off and started walking her and Clark to her bed. Clark hesitated and said.
"No one is going to come in?" Lexa replied
"I have Indra taking care of all the clan leaders and Capitol members with a fest and I have a guard outside who knew we need to talk privately." Clark climbed on to the bed and took off the shirt Lexa took off her shirt and climb into bed with Clark. She held Clark in a loving embrace and began kissing her all down her body, Clark returned the kiss while both of them arched there back Lexa grabbed the covers and pulled them over them and they both descended under the covers.

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