Chapter 15

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I woke up at the smell of homemade waffles. It took me a while to realize that I was at Perrie's house in the guest room. I took the duvet off me and rubbed my eyes. I looked at the time on my phone to find it's 7:30.

I wore my clothes from yesterday and went to the toilet to wash my face. I went downstairs and to the kitchen to find Fatma making breakfast.

She was wearing dark jeans, white tee and a dark blue summer jacket that was rolled to the elbows and the ends of it was neon yellow. She was matching them with a neon yellow heels. Her hair was up in a high bun minus the short hairs that was curled at the sides of her face. Her makeup was simple with transparent lip gloss. I have to admit that the ends of her hair looked amazing on her. Blue was a crazy dolor to choose but suits her.

I walked to stand a feet behind her. She sensed my presnce and turned around. She smiled at me and said "Good morning. I made you waffles for breakfast." She pointed at the two on the table. Beside each plate was a latte and tea with milk.

"How do you know that I drink tea with milk in the morning?" I asked surprised.

She winked at me and said "Its a woman's thing. Plus you are British." We sat down and began to eat. I moaned at the taste of the waffles and she smiled proudly. It tasted heavenly. I bet Niall will want to lock her up to make him food.

I finished and took my plate and mug to the sink. She was still sipping on her latte. "I'm going to change and go to work. Thanks for the breakfast." I said smiling gratefully at her.

She smiled back and nodded. "See you later, Mr. Malik." She winked at me and put the plate and mug in the dishes. I smiled and shook my head in amusement.

This girl is driving me insane. I think I'm falling for her......

I arrived at work nine sharp. I greeted Perrie at the reception and entered my office. I heard faint music from Fatma's office and smiled. It was one of the boys songs. I sighed and called Fatma to my office. The music stopped and less than a minute she was in front of me. She smiled and I returned the gesture.

"Is there any meetings today?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah, there is with Mr. and Mrs. Bell. They are here to talk about the payment for the hotel and the amount of time will be needed to build it. I talked to Mr. Pettyfer and he will attend the meeting with us." She glanced at the watch on her hand and said "Its at 2 pm, sir."

I nodded and smiled thankfully at her. "I think you are going to IKEA to choose the furniture for the right side of Mr. Hastings' building." I said. She nodded and said.

"Yes, sir." She smiled and said "If you'll excuse me I should go now."

I nodded and watched her walk out of my office. I should begin painting her apartment soon.



I went to IKEA to choose the furniture for the right side of the building. It will take two weeks to finish my order. I glanced at my watch to find it's lunch hour. I thanked the guy and went to my car to get lunch.

My phone rang in my back pocket. I took it out to find an unknown number calling me. I ignored it and drove to Perrie's.


Two weeks passed by me hanging out with my friends. Sometimes Zayn would join us and other times I would meet his friends. We grew really close these days. I like Zayn Malik. He is the most handsome, sweet, gentle man you would ever want to know.

I adore his laugh. It brings a warming feeling to my heart knowing that I made him laugh. When he is around me I'm always smiling. I haven't smiled like this in a while. His respect for me was something amazing. He seems to understand what a woman wants.

I frecieved the furniture today that came from IKEA and placed them in all the apartments. I barely sat in today. I was moving around giving instructions to the guys moving the furniture.

I went home at five and threw myself on the bed. I felt ache at the pit of my stomach announcing they the torture week came. I changed into a sports bra, zumba pink pants, sumba grey tank top and my shoes and socks.

I turned my Hp laptop on. I opened the YouTube and opened the videos I knew. I tied my hair in a high tight ponytail. I danced to the music ignoring the pain in my stomach.


I was leaning against the doorway watching Fatma dancing. She didn't even recognize me watching her. She was hyperactive. Dancing with all her energy. Can she be more perfect even?

The best thing is that she loves everything she does. If she doesn't like it she won't do it. This girl is something, I swear.

She was sweating by the time she finished. She noticed me standing in the doorway after she finished. Her brows shot up in surprise.

I smiled and walked to her. I hugged her tight. Sweating or not I don't care. She was frozen at first before she hugged me back. We pulled away of the embrace a minute later.

She smiled at me and said "Hey."

"Hey." I smiled back. I looked at her features admiring her beauty.

"Give me fifteen minutes to take a shower and then prepare dinner." She said and went to the claset to grab her clothes.

I nodded back and smiled. She left and I fell back on her bed sighing. I wanted to ask her some questions but I'm afraid of her reaction. Did she date before? If, yes then how was he? Why did she leave him? So many questions swirling in my head.

Her phone beeped signaling a text. I looked at it to find it from an unknown number.

You really don't know what have you gotten yourself into.

My eyes widen slightly as I stated at the text. Fatma entered drying her hair with a towel. She frowned at my shocked expression. "Whats wrong, Zayn?" She asked and came to sit beside me.

I waved the phone in front of her face and said "Whats this Fatma? Care to explain to me, please." She took the phone from my hand and stared at it wide eyed.

"I don't know. As you see it's an unknown number." She told me pointing at the phone.

"Who was with you yesterday?" I asked angrily.

"Ahmed, Kate, Anne, Tyler and Elena. We were at the mall yesterday." She informed me.

"Who is this person texting you Fatma?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"I don't know Zayn. This number has been texting and calling me for two weeks but I have been ignoring it. I don't know who is it but there is someone in my mind." She said slowly.

"Who is.....?" I asked impatiently.

"Jake." She said. I frowned in confusion.

"What is this Jake guy?" I asked curiously.

"He's a badass. He always gets into fights and got arrested twice. He once showed at my dorm and tried to make a move on me but I stopped him. And another time I was in a party, I slapped him because he called me a slut. Then he threatens to me every time he see me. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him but I'm dealing with it." She sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded. My anger towards her fading and increasing towards this Jake.

"I am dealing with it very well, Zayn. Plus I don't want people worrying about me. I'm perfect as you see. No injuries or anything." She said gesturing towards her body. I sighed and shook my head.

She wrote him a reply that said:

You are just saying threats. Man up and do something cuz I'm bored from you boring texts, dickbutt. ;)

I stared at her while she finished dying and braiding her hair. After she finished she went downstairs to prepare dinner.

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