Chapter 37

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In Christmas everybody went to his family house. But of course we opened our presents first that were placed under the Christmas tree that I decorated. It was huge and perfect place in the foyer. We didn't do much me and Zayn. I just made a Turkey, mashed potatoes and that's all.

I didn't know what to buy to the guys actually. I bought them sweaters and Beanies in different colors. Harry, red blue sweater and gray Beanie. Louis, gray knitted sweater and blue Beanie. Liam, black and white sweater and red Beanie. Me and Zayn got the same red knitted sweaters and black Beanies matched with brown boots.

I didn't really want them to get me any presents because it's their celebrity not mine. After they had left we went ice skating with the same outfits. Zayn fell a few time making some kids laugh at him. His cheeks would turn slightly pink from the embarrassment but he just shrugged it off and we continued skating.

We walked around for a while after skating. I love walking so much, I always used to walk with my aunt and we would buy some things to eat or to wear, whatever we want actually we would buy and don't give a flying fuck about our worries. She treats me like her daughter because she doesn't have any. She got pregnant a few times but it didn't last and miscarriage would happen. I would always tell her I'm your daughter no matter what. My mum is just my biological mum and then we would laugh.

It breaks my heart seeing her like that. So vulnerable and defeated. I love her so much and I would always tell her that and I would also call her mum. I know that she dreams of the day she would her her son or daughter calling her that and I try my best to not make her need anything. She once got pregnant by twins but miscarried it in her fifth month.

The second was in her second month so we still didn't know the gender of the baby. The third time they were triplets, two boys and a girl and they were miscarriaged at the middle of the sixth month that's when she lost hope in getting a baby.

We sat in front of an ice cream shop eating our ice cream on a bench outside in the park opposite to the shop. Kids were playing around us and eating ice cream.



I watched Fatma as she watched the kids playing around us with a gleam in her eyes. I pictured her as a mother, God she would make a perfect mom just like she is perfect in everything.

"Mommy, I want ice cream." A little girl with dirty blond hair and green eyes whined to her mom tugging at her mom's coat.

"No, you just ate cotton candy, Lily. I think that's enough." Her mom said sternly.

Lily pouted her cute pink lips and said "But I want to."

Her mother opened her mouth to argue but Fatma came and stood in front of her beside Lily. "It's okay. I can get her ice cream." She offered her politely. Her black scarf hung loosely around her neck and her hair was curled loosely and pinned to the side of her head preventing it from falling on her face.

"You really don't have to. She eats too much sweats and I want her to eat healthy food." The woman said to Fatma declining her offer politely.

Fatma smiled at her knowingly. "They're kids and that's a normal thing. But never tell her no for a thing, you can persuade her that if she ate you will get her sweats. She won't eat that way, kids are pretty stubborn if you say so. I was worse than this when I was young." She whispered to her covering the girls ears so she won't hear.

The woman laughed lightly at her. "Thank you dear. You look somewhat familiar." She scanned Fatma's face trying to remember her.

"My name is Fatma Eldeeb. I'm Zayn Malik's girlfriend. Its nice to meet you..." she trailed off not knowing the woman's name.

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